
Does A Balloon Sinuplasty Hurt? What You Need to Know

Sinus problems leave you feeling miserable. Chronic sinus issues like infections, pain, pressure, and headaches seem inescapable with any type of allergy or irritation. But why do some people seem to experience these symptoms regularly while others only rarely struggle…

eustachian tube balloon dilation

Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation: Everything You Need to Know

For such a small part of the body, the ear has a huge impact on how we feel and how we perceive the world. If we zoom in even further, we see that the ear has much smaller components that…


Swimmer’s Ear: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Summer is here! While most people (especially kids) take this as an open invitation for regular pool time, some dread the inevitable swimmer’s ear that will soon follow all that time in the water. As you prepare for your days…


When to Worry (And Not Worry) About Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds seem to come at the worst times. No one wants to bleed — especially in public. And when a nosebleed strikes, it can be frustrating to manage. Maybe your nice dinner is abruptly interrupted with a nosebleed. You can’t…


When to Worry About Your Lingering Sinus Infection

Sinus infections have a way of making time stand still… in a bad way. When you’re constantly congested, battling headaches, and feeling sinus pressure, even a short duration of sickness can feel like it’s never going to end. What if…


Tonsillectomy Scabs: A Surgeon’s Post-Op Guide

Prepping for your tonsillectomy is easy, but thinking about recovery is a little more complicated. Among the primary concerns of patients following this procedure are the tonsillectomy scabs that will form as their throat heals. To help you navigate your…

Is an Open-Fitting Hearing Aid Right For You?

Choosing a hearing aid feels like a major decision. After all, you want to invest in a device that will help you re-engage with the world around you as seamlessly as possible. For many, the best option is an open-fitting…


The Audiologist’s Guide to Hearing Aid Care & Cleaning

Hearing aids are like your teeth — you need to brush them every day to keep them clean. A device like a hearing aid requires special care. And while that care isn’t necessarily complicated, it does need to be regular.…


Chronic Runny Nose: At What Point Should You Worry?

You shouldn’t have to deal with a constantly runny nose. Sure, it’s a minor inconvenience compared to other health issues. But when the snot won’t stop, a chronic runny nose can be extremely frustrating. You constantly have to sniff in,…


How to Tell if Your Tooth Extraction is Causing Your Sinus Problem

Recovering from a tooth extraction is quite a process. You have to carefully navigate what to eat, how to drink, and how much activity you should do as you allow your body to heal. But you also may need to…


Thyroid Surgery Scars: Everything You Need To Know

Do you fear a thyroid surgery scar more than the surgery itself? If you’re like most patients, once they realize how rare it is to experience more serious complications in the hands of a high-volume thyroid surgeon, they start to…


Why You Experience Vertigo & How to Know if You Need an ENT

Feeling the dizzy experience of vertigo can quickly have you reaching for the phone to call your doctor, ENT, or anyone who can help you regain your sense of stability again! But before you call, you may want to consider…


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