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Worried Your Allergy Symptoms Are COVID? You’re Not Alone

Everyone knows what it’s like to wake up feeling a little run down or with a runny nose, congestion, or cough.

A few years ago, you’d just assume you had a cold and move on with your life. If you’re an allergy sufferer, you’d pop a Zyrtec and head to the office. A fever would cause a little more trouble; you might take it easy for a bit and then everything would return to normal.

Today, things are a little different.

COVID is on everyone’s mind. Symptoms that wouldn’t have caused a second thought before are now cause for anxiety. What’s that tickle in your throat? Why are you coughing? Is this runny nose really from your ragweed allergy, or is it COVID?

Unfortunately, during surges in COVID case numbers, you’re not being paranoid — a high level of suspicion is necessary.

In this post, we want to help you understand the likelihood of your symptoms being COVID versus something else like allergies, the flu, or a cold.

covid-19 symptoms table

Allergies or COVID?

Allergies are an overreaction of the immune system to a relatively harmless environmental stimulus. Histamine, one of the body’s chemical messengers, works to fight off these perceived threats as quickly as possible. The histamine reaction causes swelling, sneezing, tearing of the eyes, and itching.

Allergies and COVID share a few similar symptoms, like a headache and runny nose. But COVID often comes with whole-body symptoms like a fever, chills, body aches, cough, and exhaustion.

Allergy symptoms, caused by histamine reactions, tend to be concentrated in the upper respiratory system. Sneezing, congestion, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes are all hallmark signs of allergies. And while allergies occasionally cause a cough, it’s not generally the nagging, persistent cough that can accompany COVID.

Taking an over-the-counter antihistamine is one of the best ways to determine whether you’re dealing with COVID or allergies. An antihistamine (such as Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, or Xyzal) won’t help with COVID, but it should help improve allergy symptoms.

A Common Cold or COVID?

A variety of viruses can cause the common cold: rhinoviruses, RSV, parainfluenza, and coronaviruses. COVID, however, is caused by a specific coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.

Early in the pandemic, symptoms of the common cold were somewhat easier to distinguish from COVID. But COVID has changed over time and now has several variants. Omicron, for example, has a somewhat milder presentation, making it difficult to distinguish from a cold based on symptoms alone. Both illnesses can present with nasal congestion, runny nose, and sore throat, but in our office we’ve noticed that some patients with Omicron don’t have the fever or cough that people have had with other COVID variants.

“Better safe than sorry” is the motto here. If you find yourself with symptoms of the common cold, go ahead and get tested — especially if you know you’ve been exposed to someone who has COVID. During a surge in COVID cases, it’s reasonable to assume you’re dealing with COVID until you’re shown otherwise.

Influenza or COVID?

Mild cases of COVID closely mimicked influenza (“the flu”) during the beginning of the pandemic. And it can still be difficult to tell the difference between the symptoms.

The flu typically involves a fever, body aches, chills, cough, congestion, and a headache. But COVID, especially the earlier variants, usually involves most of these symptoms too! A loss of taste and smell is the hallmark symptom that often differentiates between these two infections.

Again, the safest course of action if you’re experiencing flu-like symptoms is to get tested. Many doctors’ offices and other facilities offer rapid flu tests along with COVID tests, so you can know for sure whether you have one or the other. Several effective antiviral medications exist for the flu — good news if you receive a positive flu test!

A Note About the Loss of Taste and Smell

One final note about all of these conditions: You probably know that loss of taste and smell is a classic sign of COVID. But occasionally during allergies, a cold, or the flu, the sinuses become blocked by mucus or swelling, leading to a sinus infection. This swelling can block the airflow through your nose, preventing it from reaching the olfactory nerve that’s responsible for your sense of smell.

Since odor particles are carried in the air, you won’t be able to smell anything when air can’t reach your olfactory nerve. And because your ability to taste relies so heavily upon your sense of smell, a sinus infection can lead to a loss of sense of taste as well. Because of this, a COVID test really is the best way to tell the difference.

Do I Have COVID-19?

In the end, you should err on the side of caution (particularly during COVID surges). Unfortunately, the only way to completely rule out a case of COVID is to get tested and wait for the results.

We’ve included a chart with the common symptoms of COVID-19, the flu, a common cold, and allergies in this post for your reference. But keep in mind that as new COVID variants develop, symptoms can change, and COVID symptoms vary widely from person to person.

If you have questions about whether your symptoms are COVID, allergies, or something else, we recommend consulting with your doctor and scheduling a COVID test. You can also always refer to the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID guidelines.

Ask a Doctor: 8 Answers to Your Post-Tonsillectomy FAQs

There’s no way around it. Recovering from a tonsillectomy, especially as an adult, is just plain miserable. Children fare slightly better, but the process is hard.

Your surgeon will do everything they can to help you stay as comfortable as possible during your recovery. But regardless of how prepared you are, recovery from a tonsillectomy is usually unpleasant and painful. Because of this, most patients (and the parents of our tiniest patients!) have a lot of questions and concerns about the recovery process.

My child won’t drink after her tonsillectomy. Why does my ear hurt? Why am I coughing? Is it normal to a have a fever after a tonsillectomy?

These are all incredibly common questions. Below, we’ll answer eight of the most frequently asked questions we hear about tonsillectomy recovery.

common patient questions about tonsillectomy recovery

Question #1: Why Won’t My Child Drink After a Tonsillectomy?

Answer: Children often refuse to drink after a tonsillectomy. Although they may feel okay in the immediate postoperative period, their pain increases as their anesthesia wears off. Eventually, they don’t want to eat, drink or swallow. They might even hold their saliva in their mouths to avoid the pain that comes with swallowing.

Because hydration is important for tonsillectomy recovery, you may have to get creative to find ways for your child to take in enough fluids. Good hydration aids in healing, decreases overall pain, and reduces the risk of bleeding. The good news is, popsicles count as hydration.

Popsicles, slushies, ice cream and any other kind of cold, sugary drink you can imagine can all be good to get your child to “drink” enough fluids for a few days. The cold soothes their sore throat, and the sugar makes them want more.

If your child prefers warm fluids like tea, hot chocolate or broth, that’s fine too, although it’s good to make sure the liquid isn’t scalding. For now, we recommend setting aside worries about a nutritious diet; the most important thing for a few days is to keep your child hydrated so they can heal.

If you or your child absolutely cannot swallow, IV hydration is an option, but requires a trip to the ER or an urgent care center. We like to avoid this if possible as it’s always better to keep the throat moist and hydrate naturally.

Question #2: Why Am I Experiencing Voice Changes After My Tonsillectomy?

Answer: If your voice changes after your tonsillectomy, it could be for a couple of reasons. Because of the pain in your throat, you could be moving your tongue and throat less than usual, guarding the area. In this case, your voice will return to normal when the pain and swelling recede.

If your tonsils were really enlarged before your tonsillectomy, they may have muffled your voice. In that case, removing the tonsils changes the way your voice sounds by giving it more space to resonate and project.

Question #3: What Can I Do About Bad Breath After a Tonsillectomy?

Answer: There’s good news and bad news here.

The bad news is that there’s not much you can do to make your breath smell better in the days right after your tonsillectomy.

The good news? That unpleasant smell is actually an integral part of the healing process. As your throat heals, your body produces its own biological “dressings” for the wounds. As the healing process progresses, tissues slough off and can sometimes cause an unpleasant odor.

This smell will eventually go away. But in the meantime, we don’t recommend you use products like alcohol-based mouthwash to try to improve your breath. These can be incredibly painful on a healing throat!

Question #4: What Should I Eat After a Tonsillectomy?

Answer: We recommend you eat soft foods after your tonsillectomy surgery. Yogurt, pudding, Jell-O, soups, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, smoothies, macaroni and cheese: these are all good options that can slide down your throat with ease.

It’s best to avoid any foods that could scratch or irritate your throat, like chips, pizza or crusty breads. These could even scrape off your scabs before they’re fully ready. It’s a good idea to avoid carbonated drinks in the beginning phases of healing because the bubbles can cause pain in your throat. Spicy foods can also have the same effect.

Avoiding red drinks or foods like strawberry Jell-O is also a good idea. It’s important to keep an eye out for blood after a tonsillectomy. If you wind up vomiting or spitting and you see red from the food or drink, it might look like blood and cause an unnecessary panic. On the other hand, you’ll want to be able to tell if you do develop a bleed, which the red food coloring could conceal!

We also advise against using straws or sippy cups that require strong suction in the days after a tonsillectomy. This is because, theoretically, the suction from drinking through these could pull the scabs off your throat prematurely. (This is similar to the advice to avoid drinking through straws after a tooth extraction.)

Question #5: Do I Have To Stop Smoking After a Tonsillectomy?

Answer: While we don’t ever recommend smoking, it can be especially dangerous after a tonsillectomy. Smoking can dry out the tonsillar beds where your tonsils used to sit while they’re trying to heal. This drying can increase your risk of bleeding.

Smoking also decreases the supply of oxygen to your tissues. Since your tissues are in the midst of a difficult healing process, smoking can prolong that already difficult process.

Question #6: Why Do I Have a Cough After a Tonsillectomy?

Answer: Intermittent coughing after a tonsillectomy isn’t necessarily something to worry about, and it can happen for a variety of reasons.

When you’re intubated for surgery, a tube passes down your throat and between your vocal cords. This can cause quite a bit of irritation in your throat and can lead to a cough.

You may also have extra drainage in your throat. You would normally swallow it, but now your throat is tender and you can’t swallow easily. Consequently, the drainage hangs around, irritating your throat and causing a cough.

Or, your cough may just be a natural reaction from your throat in response to the insult it received during surgery.

Coughing can put pressure on your healing scabs, though. If your cough becomes frequent or powerful, you’ll need help to suppress it. Be sure to talk with your doctor before you take any cough medicines. It’s important to make sure anything you take won’t interact with your pain medications.

Question #7: Why Do I Have Ear Pain After a Tonsillectomy?

Answer: The ears connect to the throat by the nervous system, so it’s extremely common to have ear pain after a throat surgery. We call this type of pain referred pain. The pain actually originates where your tonsils were, but the nerves refer it to your ears.

(As an educational side note, because of this phenomenon, ear pain is one of the most common presenting symptoms for throat cancer.) 

Question #8: Why Do I Have a Fever After a Tonsillectomy?

Answer: We most often associate a fever with an infection. But a fever is just part of the body’s general immune response, and it’s closely linked to inflammation. After a surgery, as your body rushes to heal your surgical wounds, inflammation accompanies that healing process and can sometimes result in a low-grade fever.

A low-grade fever is fairly common after a tonsillectomy, especially in children. If the fever persists or becomes a high fever, contact your doctor to make sure it’s not a sign of infection.

Be sure to talk with your surgeon before you or your child take any medication to reduce a fever. The pain medications you’re already taking for the surgery may contain drugs like Tylenol, and it’s very important to make sure you’re not taking too much.

Still Have Unanswered Questions About Tonsillectomy Recovery?

ENT Associates of Lubbock is here to help answer your tonsillectomy questions. We perform tonsillectomies on patients of all ages, and we’ve walked beside all of them in the healing process.

Tonsillectomy recovery is never fun, but we try to make you as comfortable as possible so you can rest well, heal and be back to your normal routine before you know it.

Can a Balloon Sinuplasty Fix a Deviated Septum?

If you have a deviated septum, or if you suspect you do, you might be wondering what the best way to correct it is. Can a balloon sinuplasty fix a deviated septum?

Let’s take a look at exactly what a deviated septum is, how to treat it, and whether balloon sinuplasty can help.

What Is a Deviated Septum?

The nasal septum is the wall that divides your nose into two separate halves. The septum is part bone and part cartilage. When the septum gets off center, or deviates to one side, we call this a deviated septum.

Symptoms of a Deviated Septum

Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing through the nose are the most common symptoms of a deviated septum. If the deviation is bad enough, the patient may notice that one side of their nose is always blocked.

Typically, the more dramatic the deviation, the more dramatic the symptoms. Sometimes, if a deviated septum is severe enough, it can have a “spur,” or a sharp edge that protrudes at an angle and touches the side of the nose. In these cases, any swelling caused by allergies or illness results in more and more pressure on that sharp edge, which can produce headaches.

Nosebleeds, facial pain and snoring or noisy breathing at night can all be symptoms of a deviated septum. Some patients with a deviated septum even sleep on one side to help improve their breathing at night.

Causes of a Deviated Septum

Many people associate a deviated septum with a broken nose. While this is one (unpleasant) way to get a deviated septum, it’s not the only way.

You don’t necessarily have to get your nose broken to wind up with a deviated septum. Sometimes the nose gets hit hard enough that the cartilage dislodges from the bony attachments in the nose, with no breaking involved.

Some people have a naturally deviated septum from birth. They may never know they have it, or they may only start to notice a problem as they get older.

Cartilage never stops growing, and the cartilage in the septum is no exception. As people age, a slight deviation in the septum can become more pronounced as their cartilage grows.

2 key facts you need to know about deviated septums graphic

What Is Balloon Sinuplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive office procedure that can help treat chronic sinusitis (sinus infections).

Patients can suffer from chronic sinusitis when the openings of their sinuses are too small. The narrow sinus openings swell shut easily, leading to the buildup of mucus and bacteria responsible for chronic sinus infections.

During balloon sinuplasty, the physician inserts a small balloon into the nose using a tiny tube with a camera and light attached. The doctor then inflates the balloon to open the sinus passageway and allow the sinus to drain more freely.

Cardiologists have used this technology for many years to dilate constricted coronary arteries. Today, ENT doctors have borrowed the technique and applied it along the same lines. Instead of temporarily inflating a balloon to dilate a constricted artery, they use it to widen a constricted nasal passageway.

Balloon sinuplasty is much less invasive than even endoscopic sinus surgery, and it can be done in an office visit with local anesthesia. Balloon sinuplasty also requires significantly less healing time than traditional surgery — usually one to two days.

Who Is a Candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?

People who experience sinus infections three or more times per year that persist despite medical management can be good candidates for balloon sinuplasty. Other strong candidates include people with chronic sinusitis that never seems to fully resolve or respond to over-the-counter or prescription medications.

For patients who still have severe congestion after medical management, we perform a CT scan to better see what’s going on internally. This helps us determine whether or not balloon sinuplasty will be effective.

Are the Results From Balloon Sinuplasty Permanent?

Yes, balloon sinuplasty is a one-time procedure. The results from balloon sinuplasty provide long-lasting relief from the effects of constricted sinus passages.

Can Balloon Sinuplasty Fix a Deviated Septum?

The simple answer is no, balloon sinuplasty does not correct a deviated septum. The sinuplasty balloon only works on the sinus openings, not the septum; a septoplasty only deals with the septum.

However, though the two procedures are different, they can easily be performed at the same time.

If you have a deviated septum giving you trouble, and you also need balloon sinuplasty, scheduling the procedures together can be a good option. There’s no reason to undergo two separate procedures when it’s easy to fix both problems at the same time.

Do You Have a Deviated Septum?

If symptoms of a deviated septum are interfering with your life and your ability to breathe, give us a call. The entire team at ENT Associates of Lubbock loves helping our patients breathe easier.

The surgeons at ENT Associates of Lubbock are experienced in treating patients who have a deviated septum, those who need balloon sinuplasty, and everyone in between!

Your Ultimate Thyroidectomy Guide (Written by a Surgeon)

If you’re searching for information about a thyroidectomy, you’re probably dealing with thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules, goiter or compression of your trachea. Or you might be experiencing the unpleasant symptoms that come along with an overactive thyroid.

Whatever your reason for researching a thyroidectomy, we want to provide you with all the facts you need.

What exactly is a thyroidectomy? What can you expect before, during and after the procedure? And what if you’re nervous about having a thyroidectomy?

You’ve come to the right place.

What Is a Thyroidectomy?

A thyroidectomy is a surgery to remove part or all of the thyroid gland in the base of your neck.

The thyroid gland sits in front of your voice box and is shaped like a butterfly, with two lobes connected in the middle. It makes and releases thyroid hormones into your bloodstream, playing a huge role in many major body functions like heart rate, metabolism and energy level.

The thyroid gland can develop certain problems. The most common problems that lead to a thyroidectomy include:

  • Thyroid cancer.
  • Suspicious nodules.
  • Noncancerous gland enlargement (goiter).
  • Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).

There are two types of thyroidectomies. A total thyroidectomy removes the entire thyroid, while a thyroid lobectomy or partial thyroidectomy only removes part of the thyroid. Which procedure you have depends on what the reason for the surgery is.

common problems graphic

What To Expect Before, During and After Your Thyroidectomy

Preparing for Your Thyroidectomy

We always encourage our patients to research potential surgeries or treatments ahead of time. But as far as physical preparation for a thyroidectomy, there isn’t much you need to do beyond what’s typically recommended for any surgery involving general anesthesia.

You’ll be instructed not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your procedure. This is to prevent any food or liquid from coming up and getting into your lungs while you’re under anesthesia, a problem called aspiration. While aspiration is rare, refraining from eating and drinking before surgery can eliminate the risk almost entirely.

You should take a shower and wash your body with antibacterial soap before your surgery. Pay special attention to washing your neck, although your surgeon will make sure your skin is thoroughly disinfected before beginning your thyroidectomy.

Also make sure your surgeon has a thorough picture of your medical history, especially any previous cardiac procedures or history of blood clots. If you’re on a blood thinner, you’ll need to get clearance from your prescribing doctor to stop your medication before surgery.

The Day of Your Thyroidectomy

After you arrive at the surgery center, you’ll be brought back to the preoperative area. A nurse will start an IV in your hand or arm. You’ll have a conversation with your surgeon, anesthesiologist and nurse. Then you’ll receive anesthesia.

After that, you probably won’t remember anything at all!

The length of a thyroidectomy procedure depends on the size of the thyroid and how much is being removed. Experienced, high-volume thyroid surgeons usually take between one and two hours, but family members shouldn’t worry if it takes slightly longer. 

Recovering From Your Thyroidectomy

Most thyroid surgeries take place in an outpatient surgery center. Patients have the procedure in the morning, stay several hours for monitoring after the procedure, and then return home in the afternoon. We typically see patients the next morning in our office to make sure there are no complications.

When you wake up from the procedure, you’ll have Steri-Strips over your surgical scar, which will be small and sutured beneath the skin. You may also have a drain at the surgical site depending on the extent and type of surgery. If so, the drain will be removed the following day.

You’ll be able to take a shower 24 hours after your procedure. When showering, avoid direct pressure from your showerhead on the incision site. You may gently wash the area with soap, but don’t scrub at the incision or any remaining glue. This will fall off naturally over the following week.

You might find that your throat is sore after surgery, not from the thyroidectomy itself but from being intubated. If that’s the case, you can stick to soft food for a day or two to avoid discomfort.

After a total thyroidectomy, your body will need a new source of thyroid hormone. Fortunately, thyroid hormone replacements are widely available and inexpensive. You’ll leave the surgery center with a prescription for a thyroid replacement like Synthroid, generic levothyroxine or Armour Thyroid. Then you simply take your prescribed dose every day.

After a partial thyroidectomy, about one in four patients need thyroid hormone supplementation. Your doctor will work with you to determine whether you need this or not.

You’ll need blood work about six weeks after your surgery to ensure you’re getting the right amount of thyroid hormone. Finding the right dose can take a bit of time and finagling, so don’t worry if your physician adjusts your dose a few times before finding the right level for you.

Sometimes after a thyroidectomy, your parathyroid glands don’t function properly for a few days. The most common result of this is transient hypocalcemia, a short-lived reduction in the calcium in your blood. We recommend that our patients take Tums for a few weeks to make sure their calcium levels stay within normal range.

Nervous About Having a Thyroidectomy?

One of the most important decisions you can make before scheduling a thyroidectomy is to choose an experienced surgeon you trust. Ask them plenty of questions about the procedure. Discuss the risks and benefits of surgery, and ask whether they would suggest any alternatives.

Being nervous before having surgery is very normal. The surgeons at ENT Associates of Lubbock have a great deal of experience performing thyroidectomies. We won’t suggest you have surgery unless it’s absolutely medically necessary. And we’ll do everything we can to set your mind at ease!

Are Your Symptoms Just Allergies, or Do You Need a Doctor?

When you suffer with chronic allergies, you get used to many of the symptoms.

Itchy, watery eyes? You know the drill. Sneezing through every West Texas dirt storm? It’s old hat to you.

But every once in a while, a new symptom makes an appearance, and you’re left scratching your head (and not just your nose).

Can allergies give you a fever? Can allergies cause shortness of breath? Can allergies cause headaches? Do these symptoms mean you need to call a doctor, or is it just another part of the fun of fighting seasonal allergies?

We’ll explore all of this and more.

common questions about allergy symptoms graphic

What Symptoms Can Allergies Cause?

Can Allergies Cause a Fever?

Despite the commonly used term “hay fever,” allergies in and of themselves don’t cause a fever.

Respiratory allergies are really just an overreaction of your immune system to particles in the air. Your immune system’s job is to fight off viruses and bacteria in your environment and keep them from causing an infection. But sometimes your immune system perceives a piece of pollen or dust in the air as a harmful invader, a pathogen that needs to be fought.

Your immune system produces antibodies to destroy the invaders, leading to the runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes we all know so well. But since there’s no actual infection, there’s also no fever.

Allergies could indirectly lead to a fever if the swelling and drainage in your nose end up blocking your sinus openings and causing a sinus infection. If this happens, you should definitely call a doctor to address the infection.

Can Allergies Cause Shortness of Breath?

Yes, allergies can cause shortness of breath in people with allergy-induced asthma.

Allergies produce a different reaction in your lungs than they do in your nose. While your nose can swell, itch and produce extra mucus, your lungs can tighten up and have trouble getting enough oxygen.

Some people have asthma year round, with allergies worsening at certain times of year, and some people only have asthma during allergy season.

If you experience allergy-induced asthma, then in addition to dealing with your nasal allergy symptoms you’ll also need a prescription inhaler for your lungs.

Signs of asthma include a persistent dry cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. If you’re experiencing any of these, then you should check in with your doctor about your symptoms. 

Can Allergies Cause a Headache?

While allergies don’t directly cause headaches, headaches do accompany allergies fairly often. The swelling in your nose can block off your nasal cavities, causing a difference in air pressure between the air around you and the air in your sinuses. This pressure differential causes that aching pain behind your forehead, cheeks, nose and eyes.

Some people with very narrow sinus passageways can even tell when a cold front is coming in, just like people with a weather-wise ache in a knee or hip!

An occasional headache that resolves quickly probably doesn’t warrant a call to your doctor. But if your headaches become debilitating or persists long enough to interfere with your life, know that an ENT physician can help.

Allergy Treatments for Symptom Control

Allergy symptoms are uncomfortable and can really begin to interfere with your daily activities. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments you can try at home before you reach out to a doctor.

What Allergy Medications Should You Use?

You can find a host of over-the-counter allergy medications available at your local drugstore.

The most common class of allergy medication is the antihistamine. First-generation antihistamines like Benadryl (diphenhydramine) typically cause drowsiness. Second-generation formulations are non-drowsy and interact with fewer drugs. These include medications like Claritin (loratadine), Zyrtec (cetirizine), Allegra (fexofenadine) and Xyzal (levocetirizine).

Another class of drugs that can help deal with allergy symptoms is the mucolytic, which breaks up mucus and allows the body to clear congestion more easily. Mucinex (guaifenesin) is a good example of a mucolytic.

Topical steroids for allergies include nasal sprays such as Flonase (fluticasone), Rhinocort (budesonide) and Nasonex (mometasone). They are generally well tolerated and work to reduce allergy symptoms like runny nose, swelling and inflammation. However, they do have some fairly common side effects like headaches and nosebleeds.

Finally, you can try using a neti pot or other saline irrigation system to rinse out the nose and sinuses.

What Allergy Medications Should You Avoid Long Term?

Oral decongestants like Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) and topical decongestants like Afrin (oxymetazoline) are great for treating the stuffy nose and sinus pressure of allergies in the short term. However, decongestants should not be used on a long-term basis.

If used for more than a few days, decongestant sprays can cause rebound congestion, actually resulting in worse stuffiness than before! And decongestants in general can be dangerous for people with a history of cardiac problems, increasing blood pressure and interfering with blood pressure medications.

Some allergy medications have a “D” on the end of their names, meaning they include a decongestant along with the primary drug (think Claritin D, Mucinex D or Allegra D). These shouldn’t be used long term either.

Are Your Allergies Causing New or Worsening Symptoms?

If after trying the treatments mentioned above, your allergy symptoms don’t improve after a month or two, it’s helpful to know you don’t have to continue to suffer on your own. Whether your allergies cause shortness of breath, headache, runny nose or sinus infections that lead to fever, there’s help and relief available to you.

ENT doctors have the training and resources to address your allergy symptoms. Reach out to ENT Associates of Lubbock today. We’re experts in helping you get your life back from seasonal allergies!

How To Get Your Taste Back After a Sinus Infection

You’ve been dealing with a nasty sinus infection for a few days. It’s a little annoying, but you’re pushing through.

Then it happens. You’ve been looking forward to your favorite lasagna all week. You sit down to the special meal ready to relish it. But that first bite… Oh no! It’s flavorless mush! You’ve completely lost your taste!

What’s happening? Can a sinus infection cause that? Do you have COVID-19?

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering how to get your taste back after a sinus infection, look no further.

What Happens During a Sinus Infection?

The sinuses are just air-filled spaces in your skull. Scientists aren’t completely sure why they exist, but they do lighten the skull, allow the voice to reverberate, and produce mucus that lubricates the inside of the nose.

Your sinuses connect to your nose by small drainage openings called ostia. Ostia are how air flows through the nose into the sinuses.

Though your sinuses are usually filled with air, they can become blocked and fill with fluid and mucus. When the fluid and mucus stick around long enough, bacteria can begin to flourish.

Now, this normally air-filled cavity becomes a fluid-filled pocket of infection.

If you experience persistent nasal allergies, for example, the frequent inflammation may lead to blocked passages and stopped up sinuses — the perfect environment for a sinus infection.

how to get taste back after sinus infection

Why Do I Lose My Taste During a Sinus Infection?

Unlike a novel coronavirus infection, a sinus infection doesn’t usually cause a direct loss of taste. Instead, the sense of smell is the first to go.

Sinus infections cause inflammation within the nasal cavities and passageways. This swelling blocks the flow of air through your nose and prevents it from reaching the olfactory nerve that’s responsible for your sense of smell.

Since air carries odor particles, when it can’t reach your olfactory nerve, you’re not going to be able to smell anything.

Because your sense of taste relies so heavily upon your ability to smell, the inflammation caused by a sinus infection can lead to a dulled sense of taste.

How Can I Get My Sense of Taste Back After a Sinus Infection?

The best place to start is focusing on reducing the inflammation in your nasal passages. If you can open up your sinuses and facilitate drainage, your smell (and therefore your taste) will return faster.

Saline irrigations are helpful to wash out signs of infection and clear inflammation. You can purchase over-the-counter options like NeilMed Sinus Rinse at any pharmacy.

Topical steroid sprays like Flonase can also help to reduce inflammation.

If necessary, an ENT doctor can prescribe a compounded irrigation treatment. This is much like a saline rinse, but the solution also contains antibiotics or steroids to treat the sinus infection more aggressively.

How Long Will It Take To Regain My Sense of Taste?

Because everyone heals at different rates, there’s unfortunately no set amount of time in which you can expect to regain your senses of taste and smell. But we do know that the faster you open your sinuses and clear the infection, the faster your healing will occur. With the proper treatment, you could be enjoying that lasagna again within a few days, or it may take up to a few weeks.

Rarely, it can take several months to regain your sense of taste, but this usually results from chronic sinus infections that are harder to treat.

How Can I Prevent Loss of Taste in the Future?

Preventing sinus infections from developing in the first place is the best way to ensure you keep enjoying your meals.

If you’re prone to seasonal allergies, make regular sinus irrigation a habit during the seasons that affect you the most.

You may also want to talk to an ENT doctor about treating your allergies more aggressively with prescription allergy medications to prevent the swelling that blocks the sinuses.

Have You Lost Your Sense of Taste?

Today, if you’ve lost your sense of taste, it’s likely that your first thought is that you might have COVID-19. While COVID-19 certainly can cause a loss of taste and smell, a sinus infection could also be the culprit. The quickest way to tell the difference and make sure you’re not spreading the coronavirus to those around you is to get tested.

If a cold or allergy has caused a nasal blockage and loss of taste, then reducing inflammation is key in the fight against a sinus infection. If you’ve tried all the home remedies and you’re still not finding relief, it’s time to get help.

Our team will work with you to find a treatment plan that’s right for your circumstances. Don’t let a sinus infection keep you from enjoying your favorite foods. Give ENT Associates of Lubbock a call today.

7 Reasons Your Throat Is Burning (Plus When To Call a Doctor)

Maybe the burn in your throat came on gradually, or maybe it appeared out of nowhere.

Regardless of how it began, feeling like your throat is on fire is no fun for anyone.

But what could cause a burning sensation in your nose or throat? And once you have this unpleasant symptom, what should you do to treat it?

Let’s unpack some of the main causes of a burning throat and see what you should do in each case.

why does my throat burn

Why Does My Throat Burn? 7 Possible Causes

Cause #1: Postnasal Drainage

Postnasal drainage happens when the body produces more mucus than usual. Rhinitis, which is inflammation in the nose that causes increased mucus production, commonly causes postnasal drainage.

Postnasal drainage occurs because the excess mucus in your nose has to go somewhere. It either comes out the front in a classic runny nose, or it can drip down your throat. This drainage irritates your throat and causes a burning sensation.

To ease the burning, you need to treat the rhinitis that’s causing the drainage. Since allergies often cause rhinitis, an over-the-counter antihistamine like Claritin, Zyrtec or Allegra could help. Topical nasal sprays like Flonase, Nasacort and Rhinocort are also good options.

Cause #2: Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

Another common cause of burning pain in your throat is laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR).

When most of us think of reflux, we think of gastroesophageal reflux, like indigestion or heartburn. In these cases, the burning pain is more in the chest.

LPR occurs when acid reflux comes all the way up into the throat, where it can cause irritation to the voice box and the back of the throat.

In addition to throat burning, LPR can cause a dry throat, a feeling of needing to clear the throat, or a feeling like something is lodged in the throat. Patients frequently complain about a lump in their throat that won’t go away.

Dietary modifications are the first change to explore for relief from reflux. Spicy and greasy foods, tomato products, and caffeine are some of the worst offenders. Eliminating these foods is a great place to start!

It’s a good idea to avoid eating for two hours before bed. You can also try elevating the head of your bed, since lying in a reclined position tends to make reflux worse.

If these measures don’t improve your reflux, you can also try medications like Nexium, Prilosec or other over-the-counter treatments.

Cause #3: Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the throat tissues. Pharyngitis can be caused by an allergic reaction to something you ate or an environmental allergen like pollen. Throat inflammation can also come from a viral or bacterial infection like strep throat.

Treatment for this burning depends on the cause. For allergies, taking antihistamines and avoiding the allergen can help. A viral infection requires general self-care: chicken soup, plenty of fluids and lots of rest.

For a bacterial infection like strep throat, see a physician to get a prescription for antibiotics.

Cause #4: Thrush

Thrush, a fungal infection in the mouth or throat, can cause a painful burning sensation. Though thrush is more common in babies, adults using antibiotics or steroid sprays are also vulnerable.

People who use steroid inhalers have a higher risk of developing oral thrush. Rinsing your mouth with water after using your inhaler can help prevent a thrush-friendly environment from developing.

Additionally, if you’re prescribed an antibiotic, talk to your doctor about adding a probiotic to help restore some of your body’s healthy bacteria to prevent the growth of thrush.

Cause #5: Vitamin Deficiencies

Although rare, lower than average levels of certain vitamins can cause a burning sensation as well, though usually in the mouth. One study found a correlation between abnormally low levels of iron and vitamin B12 and a burning mouth.

This one will take a bit more investigation. If you think your mouth burning might be due to vitamin deficiencies, talk to your doctor about getting blood work done. If your lab work reveals any vitamin deficiencies, your care provider can counsel you on necessary dietary changes and supplements to add to your daily routine.

Cause #6: Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome is just that: a condition where patients have an inexplicable sensation of burning in their mouth. There’s no injury, no infection, no obvious cause present, but the mouth still burns.

While relatively rare, burning mouth syndrome mostly affects women over the age of 40. Other symptoms include burning of the tongue, lips and roof of the mouth.

Burning mouth syndrome may be a form of neuralgia — nerve pain with no discernable cause. In other words, the nerves send pain signals to the brain even though nothing is hurting them.

If you haven’t been able to find the cause of your burning mouth, talk to your ENT doctor or dentist. They can help you investigate the source and identify whether it could be burning mouth syndrome.

Cause #7: Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic inflammation of the esophagus caused by an allergic reaction or immune response. A large number of white blood cells called eosinophils infiltrate the esophageal lining. This can cause swelling and burning in the esophagus and up into the throat.

A gastrointestinal specialist performs the tests necessary to diagnose this condition and can recommend the best course of treatment for your case.

How Can I Prevent My Throat From Burning?

Preventing throat burning depends on addressing the root causes of the symptoms. Good oral hygiene is key in preventing some of these conditions. Make a habit of brushing your teeth, scraping your tongue, and using mouthwash twice a day.

If you get sick, take care of yourself and treat the source of your illness. And if you have allergies, talk with your doctor about the best ways to manage them to prevent a burning throat.

Throat Burning? Reach Out for Help!

If you’re dealing with a burning throat, you don’t have to suffer. Our physicians at ENT Associates of Lubbock know how to address mouth, nose, and throat burning, and can help you find the best course of treatment for your pain.

Reach out to schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options today.

Inverted Papilloma: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Some health conditions are so rare that most people have never even heard of them. But when you’re diagnosed with one of these conditions, you find yourself wanting as much information as possible!

It’s likely you’d never heard of an inverted papilloma until an ENT doctor told you they suspected you have one.

So let’s look at some basics: what is an inverted papilloma? What causes it? What are its symptoms? How is it treated? And after treatment, what’s the outlook?

What Is an Inverted Papilloma?

First things first! An inverted papilloma is a rare, usually benign (noncancerous) growth inside the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses. Inverted papillomas are responsible for as little as 0.5% of all tumors that begin in the nose.

Inverted papillomas are the most common type of the three kinds of Schneiderian papillomas. Other Schneiderian papillomas grow out into the nasal cavity and sinuses in “fingerlike” projections. The inverted type, however, grows inward toward the bone and surrounding tissue.

The majority of inverted papillomas are noncancerous, but a small percentage (between 5% and 15%) contain squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer.

If left untreated, some inverted papillomas can become cancerous after several years.

inverted papilloma

Risk Factors and Symptoms for Inverted Papillomas

Inverted papillomas are fairly uncommon, and more study is needed to determine the exact causes and risk factors for this condition. Here’s some of what we do know.

Risk Factors for Inverted Papillomas

The exact cause for an inverted papilloma is currently unknown. Some suggest a possible connection to allergies, chronic sinusitis and viral infections. White men between the ages of 40 and 70 seem to be the most susceptible to developing inverted papillomas.

Other potential risk factors may include nicotine usage, chronic inflammatory illnesses, and an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Symptoms of Inverted Papillomas

Inverted papillomas can be mistaken for recurring sinus infections because of the similarities in their symptoms.

Inverted papillomas can cause nasal congestion, nasal draining or postnasal drip, and a small amount of bleeding from the nose. Other symptoms may include facial pressure and pain, headache and a decreased sense of smell.

Nasal symptoms are usually unilateral, meaning they only occur on the side of the nose with the papilloma.

Many people with inverted papillomas, however, don’t report any symptoms out of the ordinary. In these cases, a doctor usually discovers the papilloma while examining the inside of their nose.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Inverted Papillomas

If your ENT doctor suspects you have an inverted papilloma, they will likely use an endoscope to examine the suspicious structure. They may also take a biopsy so that a lab can differentiate the papilloma from a nasal polyp, and also to determine whether any cancer cells are present. Examination under a microscope is the only definitive way to confirm the diagnosis of inverted papilloma.

The doctor might also schedule you for a CT scan or an MRI to determine the extent of the papilloma and to better visualize what’s going on.

Treatment of inverted papillomas usually involves endoscopic surgery, which is surgery performed through the nostril with the help of a tiny camera. This surgery is noninvasive and leaves no scar since the papilloma is removed through the nostril.

The papilloma must be removed in its entirety to prevent it from continuing to grow. The camera helps to confirm all the papilloma tissue is gone.

Your surgeon may sometimes need to perform more than one procedure in order to remove the entire papilloma. And because inverted papillomas grow inward toward the bone, they sometimes cause more invasive problems and require another surgery to resect the entire area.

Prognosis After Inverted Papilloma Removal

Inverted papillomas do, unfortunately, have a fairly high rate of recurrence. Though most instances happen earlier, some papillomas have recurred up to eight years after surgery. For this reason, it’s important to stay in touch with your ENT doctor to watch for signs that the papilloma has returned.

Think You Might Have an Inverted Papilloma?

Although inverted papillomas are rare, they can be frustrating for those who deal with them.

Our team at ENT Associates of Lubbock is here to provide evidence-based, compassionate care for those dealing with inverted papillomas or a host of other ear, nose and throat concerns.

If you’re experiencing the symptoms discussed above, reach out today to schedule a consultation with one of our ENT doctors. We look forward to hearing from you!

Are Your Symptoms Human Papillomavirus or Throat Cancer?

Since the release of the first vaccine for human papillomavirus in 2006, we’ve heard a lot more about HPV and the health conditions linked to it.

Women are encouraged to get screened for HPV at their yearly gynecologist appointments since an HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer. But not everyone knows that HPV can lead to cancer in the throat as well.

This may leave you wondering, “What are the symptoms of human papillomavirus? How do I know if I have HPV? Could my HPV cause throat cancer?”

What Is the Human Papillomavirus and What Are Its Symptoms?

The human papillomavirus, usually referred to as HPV, is a specific type of virus.

There are more than 100 different strains of HPV, and most of them are harmless. An estimated 79 million Americans currently have some form of HPV infection, with another 14 million expected in the next year. Most of the time, though, HPV doesn’t cause any symptoms.

When you catch the flu virus, it usually causes you to feel pretty sick and have specific symptoms. Those symptoms let you know you probably have the flu. But since most people with HPV are asymptomatic, they won’t know they have the virus unless they get tested for it specifically.

You can’t feel HPV in your body, and your immune system can clear most types of HPV over time. But sometimes the virus doesn’t go away and instead reproduces, eventually leading to symptoms you notice.

For example, HPV can cause warts on various body parts. And unlike other viruses, HPV can cause several types of cancer, like cervical cancer and throat cancer. So while you won’t feel the presence of the virus itself, you could very well feel the symptoms of a cancer caused by the virus.

human papillomavirus throat cancer symptoms

The Real Question: Do I Just Have a Sore Throat or Is It HPV Throat Cancer?

The real question isn’t whether you have HPV, but whether you have a run-of-the-mill sore throat or HPV throat cancer symptoms.

Historically, smoking and high levels of alcohol consumption have been the biggest risk factors for throat cancer. Recently, though, we’ve seen a trend of younger patients being diagnosed with throat cancer. In fact, up to 70% of oropharyngeal (mouth and throat) cancers are now associated with HPV!

Anyone exposed to HPV can develop HPV-associated throat cancer, but heterosexual males are most at risk because of current sexual practices in our society.

What Is Throat Cancer?

Cancer happens when normal cells in the body replicate and grow out of control. Most laryngeal (throat) cancers are a type of cancer known as “squamous cell carcinoma.” Squamous cells are the type of cells that line the back of the throat, where this cancer starts.

Throat cancer can originate in several areas, but most throat cancers caused by HPV start in the tonsils or on the back of the tongue.

The Connection Between Human Papillomavirus and Throat Cancer

You can’t feel HPV if it doesn’t cause your body’s cells to start growing out of control. But if HPV does lead to cancer, these are some human papillomavirus throat cancer symptoms you may notice.

Spitting or Coughing Up Blood

When throat cancer originates at the back of the tongue, it can sometimes cause blood to appear in your saliva. When the cancer is farther down, in the voice box, it can cause you to cough up blood.

If you notice blood in your saliva or after a cough, especially with no apparent cause, you should talk to your ENT doctor to investigate what’s happening.

Throat Pain

Cancer at the back of the throat can make it difficult or painful to swallow. This pain can also radiate to the ear.

While throat pain is common with viral illnesses and strep throat, pain from oropharyngeal cancer will persist beyond the length of a typical illness. You also probably won’t experience a fever or other symptoms of acute illness.

A Mass in Your Neck

It’s not uncommon to feel swollen lymph nodes in your neck when you’re fighting a cold or the flu. But if a mass in your neck sticks around beyond the duration of an illness, or if it isn’t associated with an illness at all, give your doctor a call. Sometimes throat cancer doesn’t cause any other initial symptoms, and this is the first sign people notice.

A mass in your neck doesn’t necessarily mean you have cancer, but you should schedule an appointment with your ENT doctor to see what’s going on.

Is It Time To Call a Doctor?

Any of the symptoms listed above warrant a call to an ENT doctor. While each symptom on the list can have other causes, remember that the symptoms of cancer don’t come and go. Cancer symptoms begin, persist and usually get worse.

Any lingering cough, continued spitting up of blood, pain in the throat or pain radiating to the ear, or a mass in your neck should prompt you to schedule a checkup.

If you’re worried you may have human papillomavirus throat cancer symptoms, contact ENT Associates of Lubbock today to schedule an appointment. Our physicians have the experience and knowledge to find the root cause of your symptoms and help determine the best course of treatment for you.

Why It’s Dangerous To Leave Your Sleep Apnea Unchecked

Many people have heard of sleep apnea and associate it with annoying problems like snoring and tiredness. But what about other side effects of this condition? And, more importantly, is sleep apnea dangerous?

A Quick Explanation of Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. It happens when there’s a blockage somewhere in your airway while you’re trying to sleep.

Muscle tone is much lower when you’re asleep than when you’re awake. Even the muscles of your airway relax. This relaxation can cause the tongue and tonsils to fall back and block off your airway. For people with larger bodies, fatty tissue in the neck can also put pressure on the airway.

An obstructed airway keeps your lungs from getting the airflow they need to function properly. It can also cause your heart to work overtime as it attempts to make up for the lack of oxygen from your lungs.

is sleep apnea dangerous

Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous?

Many people don’t view sleep apnea as being dangerous, but over time, the effects can be devastating. Obstructive sleep apnea poses two levels of danger: short-term and long-term.

Short-Term Consequences of Sleep Apnea

The short-term consequences of sleep apnea occur immediately, rather than building up over time. “Short-term” doesn’t mean they go away, however. Unfortunately, these symptoms remain until you receive effective treatment for your sleep apnea.

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep apnea can leave you feeling exhausted. Even if you’re in bed for a full eight or nine hours, you may only get twenty minutes of true, restful sleep. Hitting the snooze button doesn’t make you feel any better, and your exhaustion follows you throughout the day.

You may notice you drink more and more coffee just to function normally, feel miserable during the workday, or nod off at inopportune times. This level of sleep deprivation isn’t the same as missing an hour of rest here or there.

Car Accidents

Any kind of sleepiness can affect your operating of heavy machinery, including your car. People experiencing sleep deprivation are six times more likely to be involved in a vehicle collision than their well-rested counterparts.

Loss of Focus

It’s much harder to focus on the task in front of you when you’re not well-rested. You may find yourself asking coworkers to repeat themselves multiple times or zoning out as you try to read an email. Tasks that normally take little effort suddenly become huge chores because you just can’t concentrate. Sleep deprivation that leads to poor concentration can seriously impact your performance at work.

Lowered Immune Function

Even your immune system is compromised when you don’t get enough sleep. You don’t heal as easily without enough rest, and you’re more susceptible to illnesses. It’s also harder to get healthy and stay healthy when you’re too tired to exercise or cook a healthy meal.

Relationship Problems

Lack of sleep impacts your relationships, and it can lead to depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. And since sleep apnea usually leads to loud snoring, it can also make your partner miserable!

Long-Term Consequences of Sleep Apnea

The short-term consequences of sleep apnea can compound to cause further problems, of course. For example, if your body doesn’t heal well, a common cold or flu can more easily turn into something else, like pneumonia. But sleep apnea also causes other, more serious long-term problems when left untreated.

Damage to Organs

Because sleep apnea keeps you from breathing properly while you sleep, your body is repeatedly oxygen-deprived throughout the night. A lack of oxygen to any part of the body is bad news, but this takes a particular toll on your heart and lungs.

High Blood Pressure

People with untreated sleep apnea are four times more likely to have high blood pressure, also called hypertension. Hypertension can eventually lead to heart failure as well as other complications.

Heart Attack

Severe sleep apnea sufferers are twice as likely to have a heart attack as others.


Those with severe sleep apnea are 1.8 times more likely to have a stroke.

Where Do I Start if I Think I Might Have Sleep Apnea?

The first step in getting evaluated for sleep apnea is to visit your doctor and tell them your concerns. Your doctor will then order a sleep study.

A sleep study is the only way to diagnose sleep apnea. It can be done either in your home or at a sleep lab. Although the technology used in a sleep lab may be a little more accurate, you might sleep better in your own home. Which setting you choose is up to you and your doctor.

After your test, your doctor can talk to you about your results and give recommendations for your specific situation. Together, you’ll decide on what treatment is right for you.

Some recommendations your doctor might make include:

  • weight loss
  • oral appliance therapy
  • a CPAP machine
  • Inspire

It’s difficult to make decisions when you’re exhausted. But the decision about where to get treatment for your sleep apnea doesn’t have to be difficult.

ENT Associates of Lubbock offers a number of solutions for your obstructive sleep apnea. Regardless of the age of the patient or the severity of the sleep apnea, we can help. We treat the whole family, and we look forward to meeting with you!

Book a consultation today to discuss your sleep apnea with one of our experienced ENT doctors.

What Are the Symptoms of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?

Do you ever feel like you’re hearing the world from underwater? Or maybe your ears feel like you’ve been on an airplane and you just can’t get them to “pop.”

If so, you may be dealing with a case of eustachian tube dysfunction.

What Is the Eustachian Tube?

The eustachian tube is a tiny passage that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose.

Normally this tube stays open and helps to equalize the air pressure in the middle ear. It also allows any excess fluid from the middle ear to drain to the back of your nose and down your throat.

But when this tube becomes blocked due to inflammation or other causes, fluid builds up in the middle ear. Air can build up as well, since the eustachian tube is failing to maintain equal pressure.

This imbalance of fluid and air can lead to a group of symptoms that healthcare professionals call eustachian tube dysfunction.

What Are the Most Common Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Symptoms?

Patients with eustachian tube dysfunction often have muffled hearing, feeling like they’re hearing underwater or in a barrel. Some people can even hear water sloshing or bubbling in their middle ear!

Friends and loved ones might point out that you’re talking louder than normal. This is because when your middle ear is full, you can’t hear yourself talk as well. If you think you might be experiencing hearing loss, but it was very sudden in onset, it’s likely that the loss isn’t permanent.

Patients also often describe a feeling of fullness or pressure in their ear, though it’s not usually painful. One woman said she hadn’t felt pressure that intense since childbirth! (She even asked for an epidural.)

Trying to yawn, swallow, or chew gum to relieve the pressure will usually fail. All these methods to “pop” your ears rely on the eustachian tube functioning properly.

eustachian tube dysfunction symptoms

What Can I Do at Home To Manage My Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Symptoms?

Eustachian tube dysfunction symptoms can be very uncomfortable. If you begin to experience ear pain rather than just pressure, you should contact your ENT doctor right away. At that point you might be dealing with a middle ear infection.

But if you’re just experiencing the other symptoms mentioned above, you can try a variety of over-the-counter solutions before picking up the phone.

Antihistamines, decongestants and topical steroids can provide relief from eustachian tube dysfunction symptoms. These medications are helpful because many of the symptoms of eustachian tube dysfunction are due to swelling and congestion in the nasopharynx (the back of the nose).

A technique called autoinsufflation can also help in clearing the eustachian tube and restoring a bit of balance between the middle ear and the nasopharynx. To try this, pinch your nose and exhale gently through your mouth, but with your mouth closed. This technique can be a helpful way to release the pressure behind the eardrum.

We usually recommend first trying to decongest the nasopharynx area and seeing if that helps to improve your symptoms. If your symptoms persist after a month, or if they become more severe or painful, you’ll probably need medical help to deal with your eustachian tube dysfunction.

When Should I Call a Doctor?

If you’ve been dealing with pressure, fullness and that annoying underwater feeling for more than a month without any sign of relief, it’s time to call an ENT doctor.

Even if over-the-counter medications temporarily relieve the symptoms, if they return as soon as the medications wear off, you should still see a physician.

What Treatments Might an ENT Suggest?

It’s possible that a prescription-strength decongestant or topical steroid may solve your eustachian tube dysfunction. But some people (like children, people with allergies, or people who smoke) are more susceptible to eustachian tube dysfunction than others, and may have more persistent cases.

When the problem isn’t remedied by medications, even prescription strength, other options are available.

In cases like these, ear tube placement might help. Ear tubes open a tiny pathway between your middle ear and your outer ear. This equalizes pressure in your ear and allows any excess fluid to drain through your outer ear.

Ear tubes may not be right for everyone, or they may fall out over time. In these cases, eustachian tube balloon dilation can be a great option.

In eustachian tube balloon dilation, an ENT doctor inserts a small balloon into the eustachian tube and inflates it. This opens up the part of the tube that tends to collapse.

This short procedure involves very little risk or pain and has a high success rate. And because the balloon enters through the nose, there’s no cutting or scarring!

Dealing With Symptoms of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?

If any of the above symptoms sound familiar and won’t respond to your go-to home remedies, call ENT Associates of Lubbock. Dr. Cuthbertson and Dr. Scolaro both have extensive experience treating eustachian tube dysfunction.

Make an appointment for a consultation to talk about your particular case and how we can best help you treat it!

Inspire for Sleep Apnea: Say Goodbye to Your CPAP Machine

CPAP machines are designed to help sleep apnea sufferers stop snoring, breathe more deeply, and get a good night’s sleep. That sounds pretty good!

And for many CPAP users, that’s how the story goes. Unfortunately, though, other patients with sleep apnea find CPAP machines difficult to use.

Transporting a CPAP machine can be inconvenient, particularly if you travel often. Sometimes the air that’s meant to help you breathe can dry out your eyes or fill up your stomach, leading to bloating and discomfort.

Some CPAP users develop a headache from having the mask strapped to their head too tightly. Others experience anxiety from wearing the CPAP mask, particularly those who suffer from claustrophobia. Some CPAP users even throw their mask on the floor without knowing it.

If you’re not a natural back-sleeper, changing your sleep position can be hard! And let’s face it; a mask and a loud machine don’t exactly set the stage for romance.

Inspire is the modern solution to sleep apnea for people who can’t tolerate a CPAP machine.

What Happens Physiologically During Sleep Apnea?

The vast majority of cases of sleep apnea are caused by an obstructed airway.

During the day, your muscles stay toned and you hold yourself upright. You can consciously compensate for any small airway blockage.

But at night when you’re reclined and sleeping, your muscles relax. Your tongue falls backwards and your tonsils fall inwards, and this can obstruct your airway. And since you’re asleep, you can’t consciously do anything to deal with this obstruction.

This is obstructive sleep apnea, which blocks the breath from entering your airway while you sleep.


Oxygen Flow to the Lungs Is Restricted

The lungs function quite differently than any other organ in the body.

When another organ is low on oxygen, its blood vessels dilate (get wider) to allow more blood — and the oxygen it carries — to enter.

Lungs, on the other hand, function in the opposite way.

Normally, blood flows through your lungs to pick up oxygen and deliver it to the rest of your body. But when some part of your lungs doesn’t get enough oxygen, the blood vessels in that area constrict (clamp down) to reduce how much blood runs through. Your body attempts to shunt that blood to a different part of the lung in an attempt to pick up more oxygen.

This efficient system usually works incredibly well for the body. But sleep apnea throws a wrench in the works.

With sleep apnea, no part of your lung is receiving enough oxygen, so all the blood vessels in your lungs start clamping down! This forces your heart to work extra hard to force blood into an area that’s trying to keep blood out.

Over time, this “battle of the blood” can lead to serious complications like pulmonary hypertension and heart failure.

How Can Inspire for Sleep Apnea Help?

The key to treating sleep apnea is to remove the obstruction that’s blocking the airflow.

So when we find a visible blockage, like swelling, congestion or enlarged tonsils, we work to eliminate those blockages first. If needed, a CPAP machine combats sleep apnea by using forced air to blow past any obstructions in the airway.

Inspire, on the other hand, attempts to recreate your body’s natural sleep state. Inspire uses your body’s own musculature and nerve signals to restore functional tone to your airway at night. This mimics the way you breathe when you’re awake and upright.

Common Patient Concerns About Inspire

As with any surgery or medical procedure, patients may have understandable apprehensions about Inspire. Let’s address some of the more common concerns we hear in our ENT practice.

How Long Has Inspire Been on the Market?

Inspire was originally approved for patient use by the FDA in April 2014.

Does Inspire Actually Work?

While it’s impossible to know with complete certainty how a specific patient will react to a procedure, Inspire has a pretty impressive track record.

After a patient gets Inspire, 90% of bed partners report no snoring or only very light snoring. Patients experience a 79% reduction in episodes of sleep apnea each hour. And 94% of patients say they would recommend Inspire to their fellow snorers.

Are There Studies That Prove That Inspire Works?

Yes, studies show that Inspire is effective. The first study of Inspire began in 2010, and the one-year results of that study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine. A five-year follow-up study was published by the American Academy of Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery Foundation.

The ADHERE registry was originally established to follow Inspire patients after their surgery, both in the United States and abroad. This registry shows clinical data compatible with the studies mentioned above.

How Long Do the Effects of Inspire Last?

The battery inside the Inspire device lasts about 11 years, so your doctor will need to change it out about once a decade.

The battery change is a surgical procedure, but not as complex as the original placement. Other than this routine maintenance, Inspire works on its own to manage your sleep apnea indefinitely.

What’s the Surgery Like?

The surgery itself takes about two and a half hours. It’s an outpatient procedure, so you can expect to go home the same day. (You will need to have someone available to drive you home.)

Most patients are fully recovered within about a week after surgery.

Is There Anything Else I Should Know?

Your ENT doctor will take you through a process of informed consent, letting you know about all known risks and benefits of the Inspire procedure.

Inspire received full approval from the FDA in 2014, but it’s good to note that Inspire is not FDA-approved for an MRI of the chest or abdomen. It is approved for MRIs of the limbs and head.

Inspire at ENT Associates of Lubbock

At ENT Associates of Lubbock, we have successfully placed many Inspire devices for a wide variety of patients. The results have been the same for male and female, young and old, moderate cases to severe sleep apnea. Their quality of sleep — and life — has improved dramatically.

Whether you’re dealing with untreated sleep apnea or are tired of fighting with your CPAP machine at night, give us a call. Our ENT doctors can help you determine if Inspire is right for you!

6 Snoring Surgery Options That Could End Your Snoring

Have you ever woken yourself up with your own snoring? That can be a jarring experience! But that’s not even the most common reason patients come to our office for help with their snoring.

The top reason is actually complaints from their partner!

No one wants to go through a medical procedure. But if you (or your partner) are concerned about your snoring, it’s good to know that surgery could help.

What Should I Try Before Considering Snoring Surgery?

Anytime we have a patient complaining of snoring, we want to address the root cause, not just ease the symptom.

To start, we take a look inside your nose to identify any obvious obstructions. If you’re dealing with nasal or sinus congestion, we’ll try to address those with medications, such as decongestants. These can be over-the-counter or prescription, depending on how severe your congestion is.

If we see any other obstructions, like nasal polyps or an anatomical abnormality, we’ll discuss with you how we can correct these.

We’ll also inspect your throat to see if there’s anything that could be contributing to obstructing airflow while you sleep. For example, enlarged tonsils are a common cause of snoring, especially in children.

We might also discuss weight loss if it seems like your weight could be contributing to snoring. Fatty tissue in the neck can put pressure on the airway, leading to a noisier snooze. Losing a few pounds can sometimes have a dramatic effect on snoring!

snoring surgery

What Are the Types of Surgery for Snoring?

There are several surgeries that can help with snoring. Some specifically treat snoring, and some treat another condition and result in relief from snoring as a pleasant side effect.

Let’s look at some of these surgeries: three that we perform today, and three that we think are better left behind.


Believe it or not, years ago it was common to cut away a portion of the back of the tongue to prevent snoring. Fortunately, we don’t do this anymore. It was about as painful as it sounds!

Pillar Implant

With a pillar implant procedure, the surgeon inserts several small pillars into your soft palate (the back of the roof of your mouth). These pillars are meant to keep your soft palate from collapsing and causing airway obstruction.

Unfortunately, this is a temporary solution, and it’s not always effective. That’s why we don’t prefer to perform this surgery, or the following procedure, in our practice.


Somnoplasty is a procedure that uses radiofrequency waves to shrink the tissues in the nose and mouth. The results are also temporary and, again, not always effective.

This would likely be a last resort for someone who has tried a number of other solutions without success.

While these two procedures could theoretically offer temporary relief from snoring to a small percentage of patients, they aren’t something we offer at ENT Lubbock.


Removing the tonsils can be extremely helpful in snoring reduction for people with large tonsils. This is one of the most successful surgeries in treating children with sleep apnea and snoring. For children, the recovery is generally pretty easy.

The recovery time for an adult tonsillectomy can be more difficult. Plan to take two or three weeks to recover if you and your ENT doctor choose the tonsillectomy route for your snoring surgery.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)

This surgery first removes the tonsils if they haven’t already been removed. Several small incisions are then made in the soft palate. When the surgeon sutures these incisions, they tighten the palate, making it less likely to interfere with airflow.

A UPPP can be extremely helpful for a patient who experiences snoring because of loose tissue in the soft palate.

Despite how it looks, the most difficult part of this procedure isn’t the pronunciation. The recovery can be painful, and an overnight hospital stay for pain management is generally required.


Inspire is a small device that’s similar to a pacemaker. It includes a sensor that sits in your chest, detecting when you’re trying to take a breath. When it does, a probe sends a gentle electrical signal to the nerve that controls your tongue. Your tongue then moves out of your airway to allow you to breathe without restriction.

Inspire is well-accepted, well-documented and highly effective for stopping snoring. This little pacemaker-type device can lead to a 90% reduction in snoring, and a 100% reduction in your partner leaving the bedroom!

Inspire is an outpatient procedure and requires about a week to recover. As with any surgery or implanted device, there is also a small risk of infection.

What’s the Outlook After a Snoring Surgery?

The prognosis after these surgeries is excellent, assuming that there’s a good match between the right patient and the right procedure.

It’s important to address the root cause of your snoring, so be sure to talk to your ENT doctor about whether any of these snoring surgeries could be the right fit for you.

If your bed partner has been elbowing you at night and encouraging you to get help for your snoring, go ahead and reach out! At ENT Associates of Lubbock, we’re experts in getting you the help you need to stop snoring.

What Is Inspire for Sleep Apnea — Top Questions Answered

A continuous positive airway pressure machine (more commonly known as a CPAP machine) can seem like a dream come true at first. No more will you have to deal with the restless nights, the lack of REM sleep, and the daytime sleepiness.

But sometimes your CPAP dream can turn into a nightmare.

Your mask doesn’t fit right. The air leaks. It dries out your eyes. You’re uncomfortable. The machine is noisy, and the mask leaves grooves on your face. The air blows into your stomach, making you bloated. It dries out your mouth, so you drink more at night and have to get up to use the restroom.

On top of all that, your partner isn’t sleeping well now either because of your tossing, turning and fidgeting with this noisy machine!

How can you win the battle of the mask while still getting the sleep you need? Enter Inspire, the maskless solution for sleep apnea.

What Happens in the Body with Sleep Apnea?

There are two categories of sleep apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The vast majority of sleep apnea cases are classified as obstructive sleep apnea. The body tries to breathe, but — as the name suggests — air can’t get to the lungs because of an obstruction in the airway. Usually, the obstruction involves the tonsils, the tongue or the soft palate (the roof of the back of the mouth) relaxing enough to block the back of the throat.

Another cause of obstructive sleep apnea is sometimes excess body weight that collapses the airway during sleep.

Central Sleep Apnea

A smaller number of people have central sleep apnea. This is caused by a problem with communication between the brain and the body. The brain simply fails to trigger the body to take a breath. Central sleep apnea is much less common than obstructive sleep apnea.

inspire sleep

Why Is Sleep Apnea a Problem?

You might be asking, “So what if I snore a little? Is it actually dangerous to my health?”

The answer is, it depends. A little bit of snoring can be harmless, but true sleep apnea is very dangerous. In the short term, untreated sleep apnea can cause inadequate sleep, decreased productivity, daytime fatigue, and poor performance at work.

It can even affect your driving. People with untreated sleep apnea are six times more likely to be involved in a car crash! When you multiply that by more than 20 million Americans affected by sleep apnea, suddenly the roads look a lot more dangerous.

The long-term effects of untreated sleep apnea are even more disturbing.

The word “apnea” means “lack of breath.” Sleep apnea restricts the flow of oxygen to every organ in the body. And since oxygen is vital to the functioning of all these organs, the stakes are high. Over time, untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious health concerns, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Strokes
  • Diabetes
  • Memory problems
  • Weight gain

People with untreated sleep apnea also have higher levels of pulmonary hypertension, meaning their lungs undergo significant stress. These people are almost twice as likely as others to experience a stroke or heart attack, and four times as likely to deal with high blood pressure.

What Is Inspire for Sleep Apnea?

Inspire is a maskless alternative for people who can’t tolerate a CPAP machine.

Inspire works a lot like a pacemaker, but for your tongue. Unlike pacemakers, which have been safely implanted for decades, Inspire doesn’t connect to your heart. Instead, after your doctor implants the device, a sensor in your chest detects when you’re trying to take a breath, and Inspire sends a small electrical signal to the nerve that controls your tongue. This very gently tells your tongue to move out of the way, leaving your airway clear for every breath.

So where a CPAP machine pushes air into your nose and mouth continually, Inspire uses your own nerves and muscles to pull in a breath.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Inspire for Sleep Apnea?

If you’re considering a maskless alternative to CPAP, you’re likely wondering about the pros and cons of Inspire for sleep apnea.

The Pros

Inspire is much more portable than a CPAP since it’s housed inside your body! There are no tubes, masks, hoses or plugs to worry about.

Inspire doesn’t cause dry eyes and mouth, bloating or marks on the face. Inspire comes with a remote control for you to turn it on at bedtime, and you can set it to turn off at a predetermined waking time. You can also turn it off manually when you wake up in the morning.

The Cons

Since Inspire is a surgery, it comes with the risks that any surgical procedure involves. This means that though Inspire is simple to use after surgery, it is more invasive than a CPAP machine.

Additionally, any time a foreign object is implanted in the body, it carries some risk of infection. Inspire is no different.

The battery in Inspire lasts about 11 years, and then needs to be replaced. All the other parts of Inspire can remain in the body, but the pacemaker part of the device needs to be changed out about once per decade. This procedure is much simpler than the initial surgery.

Even though Inspire is FDA-approved, it is not approved for an MRI of the chest or abdomen. It is approved for an MRI of the arms or legs.

Also, if you work near an arc welding unit, the magnetic field it produces can alter the settings of your Inspire device.

Inspire is also not FDA-approved for SCUBA diving deeper than 25 meters (about 82 feet).

Is Inspire Right for Me?

If you’re interested in giving Inspire a try, you’ll need a sleep study to determine the severity and type of your sleep apnea. An ENT doctor can perform a sleep endoscopy to evaluate you while you sleep. This allows the doctor to look at the airway collapse pattern and make sure it could benefit from Inspire.

Inspire also has weight restrictions, which keep the surgery safe. Patients must have a BMI lower than either 32 or 35.

If you’re considering Inspire, ENT Associates of Lubbock has the experience and expertise you’re looking for. Book a consultation today to see if Inspire could be the maskless CPAP alternative you’ve been looking for.

Otitis Media: A Doctor’s Quick Guide to Middle Ear Infections

Having a small child sick with a cold is sad enough. But when they tell you their ear hurts, you know your plans for the day have changed.

Otitis media, or a middle ear infection, is awful no matter how old you are. How do you treat otitis media? And better yet, how can you keep it from happening in the first place?

otitis media

“File:Anatomy of the Human Ear.svg” by Lars Chittka; Axel Brockmann is licensed under CC BY 2.5

A Quick Overview of Ear Anatomy

When we think of our ears, we usually picture our outer ear, the part that’s visible. But the anatomical ear has many more parts than just what you can see in the mirror.

The External Ear

The external ear includes everything you see on the side of your head plus the ear canal. The ear canal leads to the eardrum, also called the tympanic membrane, which is a thin barrier between the outer ear and the middle ear.

An infection of the outer ear is called otitis externa, or swimmer’s ear.

The Middle Ear

The middle ear is on the other side of the eardrum. Three of the smallest bones in your whole body live here: the malleus, incus and stapes. You may also hear these called the hammer, anvil and stirrup.

A healthy middle ear is filled with air and a small amount of fluid, and it is connected to the back of the nose by a thin passage called the eustachian tube.

The eustachian tube’s job is to equalize air pressure in your middle ear and to allow excess fluid to drain to the back of your nose. But if the eustachian tube becomes blocked, the fluid can’t drain properly and builds up. Also, no air can get through to equalize the pressure.

The fluid buildup from a blocked eustachian tube causes inflammation and infection. An infection of the middle ear is called otitis media.

The Inner Ear

The inner ear contains your actual hearing organ. It’s also responsible for helping you keep your balance.

An infection in the inner ear is pretty rare, but when it happens, it’s called otitis interna, labrynthitis or vestibular neuritis.

Why Do Kids Get So Many Ear Infections?

If you’re a parent, you’re probably familiar with the heartbreaking cries of a small child with an ear infection. But why are young children are so susceptible to otitis media?

The reason is their anatomy. Children have shorter and straighter eustachian tubes than adults. Because their eustachian tubes are more horizontal, their middle ears don’t drain to the nose and down the throat very efficiently.

In fact, their eustachian tubes can even operate in reverse, sending drainage from the nose up into the middle ear!

Children who battle frequent otitis media usually grow out of it around age three or four as their eustachian tubes grow with them. But they’re so hard to console in the meantime!

For children who suffer often from ear infections, ENT doctors can put in ear tubes, or tympanostomy tubes, to help the ears ventilate. These can be removed when the child’s eustachian tubes grow wider and more vertical.

otitis media

What Are the Symptoms of Otitis Media?

Otitis media can be painful, but it doesn’t always hurt. Many patients complain of feeling pressure behind the ear or a sense of fullness.

The fluid buildup in the middle ear can also cause muffled hearing. Some patients say it sounds like listening under water.

Sometimes, people with middle ear infections can hear fluid sloshing around, or bubbling and crackling sounds in their ear!

While very young children can’t tell you what’s going on, they’ll usually be fussier than normal and they may grab at or tug their ears. This may coincide with a cough or runny nose, but not always.

If too much pressure builds up from air or fluid, the eardrum can rupture. A tear in the eardrum usually causes a few seconds of sharp pain, followed by an immediate relief of pain and pressure. The fluid buildup will usually drain out through the ear canal as well.

What’s the Best Treatment for Otitis Media?

The treatment for otitis media depends on the severity of the infection, as well as on what’s causing it. When the infection is caused by bacteria, antibiotics can clear it up pretty quickly.

Most ear infections, though, are caused by a virus and will resolve on their own after a few days.

Some people experience an ongoing accumulation of fluid in the middle ear. Since the nasal passages connect directly to the ear, treating the nose can actually help in this situation. Using antihistamines or topical steroids for a few days can decrease the swelling in the eustachian tube and help the fluid to drain.

If you have middle ear infections repeatedly, it might be time to talk to your doctor about ear tube placement.

Tube placement is a simple procedure that can be performed in your physician’s office or an outpatient surgery center, depending on the patient’s age. An ENT doctor will make a small hole in the eardrum and insert a tiny tube. The tube allows fluid to drain freely out of the middle ear. This is the same common surgery that ENT doctors perform on children with recurrent ear infections.

Because frequent ear infections in children typically resolve within a few years, ear tubes aren’t designed to remain in the body long-term. Most children only need one set of ear tubes, though some need repeat tube placement over the years, depending on their anatomy and other factors.

For adults, a newly developed procedure to consider as an alternative to repeat tube placement is called eustachian tube dilation.

In eustachian tube dilation, your ENT doctor inserts a small balloon through the nose and carefully inflates it to open your eustachian tube. This FDA-approved solution can be a reasonable alternative for adults considering ear tube placement.

How Can I Prevent Otitis Media from Recurring?

One of the most effective methods to prevent middle ear infections is to keep the nose open and clear. This can involve nasal irrigation, blowing the nose, or treating colds and allergies.

This can mean using allergy medications like Claritin and Flonase. It may also involve seeing an ENT doctor for allergy testing and allergy shots.

If you’ve tried these solutions but still suffer from repeated middle ear infections, tube placement or eustachian tube dilation could be the way to go.

Make an appointment with Dr. Scolaro or Dr. Cuthbertson to determine what option is right for you or your child. We treat the entire family, and we look forward to meeting with you!

Is Your Sore Throat Caused by COVID, or Something Else?

So you’ve woken up with a sore throat.

Even though COVID numbers are looking better lately, you’re still trying to be cautious and want to make sure you don’t spread COVID to those around you.

You know sore throats can have lots of different causes, and you wonder: is this sore throat COVID? Is it just a cold? How can you know what the cause is so you know what precautions to take?

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of COVID?

COVID generally affects the lungs more than any other organ. That’s why some of the major symptoms of COVID include a cough, shortness of breath and a fever.

But, confusingly, every case of COVID seems different. It can include many of the same symptoms as the flu, or just some of them. Many people experience some combination of the following symptoms:

  • fever
  • chills
  • body aches
  • fatigue
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • headache
  • nasal congestion
  • runny nose
  • sore throat

Additionally, one of the most unique symptoms of COVID can be the loss of taste and smell. Sometimes COVID also comes with gastrointestinal symptoms, like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

While COVID can cause a sore throat, it’s rare for this to be the first sign. Any illness that causes congestion or a runny nose can also cause a sore throat.

sore throat covid

What Else Might Be Causing My Sore Throat?

While a sore throat isn’t the most common sign of COVID, sore throats are very common with many different conditions.

Any type of postnasal drainage can cause a sore throat. Your throat becomes irritated as the excess mucus drains. It doesn’t matter whether that drainage is from allergies, a cold, the flu or COVID.

Infected tonsils can also cause a sore throat. This is usually the result of strep throat, which your doctor can diagnose with a simple throat swab.

Acid reflux can cause a sore throat as well. We usually associate reflux with heartburn, but this isn’t always the case. Laryngopharyngeal reflux, or silent reflux, doesn’t have any symptoms in the chest; it only causes burning in the throat.

Finally, some simple, everyday things can cause irritation in the throat, but these will resolve on their own. The dry West Texas climate can irritate your throat. And in the winter, running the heater can dry out the air in your home or office even more.

You may want to play it safe and get tested for COVID. But if a sore throat is your only symptom, it’s unlikely that COVID is the cause.

How Can I Soothe My Sore Throat?

To find relief from your sore throat pain, try to figure out what’s causing it. When you know the cause, you can identify the best ways to reduce your pain and to prevent more sore throats in the future.

If acid reflux is the culprit, dietary changes can help eliminate your discomfort. Spicy, greasy and acidic foods are the most common culprits in causing reflux. Experiment to see what helps your specific case, especially in the evenings. Tomato products and caffeine are a good place to start, since these often make reflux worse.

If your throat is irritated from postnasal mucus drainage, you can gargle warm salt water or make yourself a cup of hot tea. (Honey lemon tea is a good choice!)

If you have seasonal allergies, addressing those with an ENT doctor can lessen the amount of drainage you experience. This could mean getting allergy shots, but it could also just mean using topical sprays and antihistamines.

If a dry environment is causing your sore throat, try running a humidifier, especially at night. Your throat can really dry out while you’re sleeping! Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day as well.

When Should I Call a Doctor?

If you have a sore throat that just won’t go away despite treating it at home, go ahead and give your doctor a call.

If your sore throat is so painful that you have trouble functioning, you may want to call your healthcare provider sooner.

And if your throat pain is accompanied by changes to your voice, difficulty swallowing, or coughing up blood, make an appointment with an ENT doctor right away.

A sore throat accompanied by unintentional weight loss also warrants a call to your doctor. You should check in with your doctor if you have a sore throat and a history of smoking or heavy alcohol use as well.

No matter what’s causing your sore throat, ENT Associates of Lubbock can help you get to the bottom of it. Contact us to set up a consultation if you’ve had any of these concerning symptoms, or if you just want to see what’s going on with your sore throat!

How To Avoid Spreading Your Contagious Sinus Infection

The old adage, “sharing is caring,” doesn’t apply to illnesses.

But with over 30 million Americans diagnosed with sinus infections every year, how can we be sure we aren’t spreading this particular ailment to those around us?

Should we to go to work or to the grocery store with a sinus infection? Or should we call in sick and order our groceries online?

Is a sinus infection contagious? And if it is, should you stay home? Wear a mask? Or carry on as usual?

What Happens in Your Body During a Sinus Infection?

One in seven adults will be diagnosed with a sinus infection in any given year. But do we really know what our sinuses are?

Sinuses are air-filled spaces inside the skull that produce a light coating of mucus, which drains through the nose. They’re supposed to stay open and aerated, but sometimes their outflow tract can become blocked. When this happens, the mucus gets backed up and becomes trapped in the sinuses.

Are There Different Types of Sinus Infections?

You can describe sinus infections in a couple different ways.

Describing a Sinus Infection by Location

Each of your sinuses has a different name. You can describe a sinus infection according to which sinuses are affected.

For example, if your congestion is in your frontal sinuses, you have a frontal sinus infection. The frontal sinuses are directly behind the lower forehead.

You have four sets of sinuses, called paranasal sinuses, in four areas around your nose:

  • frontal sinuses — behind your lower forehead
  • maxillary sinuses — behind your cheekbones
  • ethmoid sinuses — between your eyes
  • sphenoid sinuses — deep behind your nose

A sinus infection can block any combination of these sinuses.

is a sinus infection contagious

Describing a Sinus Infection by Cause

Another way to describe a sinus infection is by what kind of germ causes it. Most sinus infections are caused by viruses, just like the common cold.

Viral sinus infections generally end on their own without any medical intervention. They usually only affect the upper respiratory system, with symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, facial pressure, congestion and headache.

But sometimes viral infections can turn into bacterial infections. Inflamed, blocked-off sinuses encourage the kind of moist, vulnerable environment where bacteria can thrive.

You might have a bacterial sinus infection if your symptoms linger beyond about a week. If your drainage turns yellow or green, that could mean your viral infection has turned bacterial.

Bacterial sinus infections typically need a little help from antibiotics to clear up.

Lastly, even though the vast majority of sinus infections are caused by viruses and bacteria, it is possible to have a sinus infection caused by a fungus. Most fungal sinus infections are caused by an allergic reaction to a fungus in the air, like black mold. This type is called “allergic fungal sinusitis.”

Another type of fungal sinus infection called “invasive fungal sinusitis” exists, but is extremely rare. People who are otherwise healthy don’t get this infection. This type of infection is possible in severely immunocompromised people, such as those going through chemotherapy or with poorly controlled diabetes.

Is a Sinus Infection Contagious?

When you have a cold, the flu or COVID, the infectious particles replicate themselves in the nose. These illnesses also tend to cause coughing and sneezing, which project these germs out of your body. For this reason, you can easily spread these bugs to anyone around you.

But the infectious material in a sinus infection is behind the face, not actually in the nose. So while it’s possible to spread a sinus infection, they don’t spread easily without very close contact.

By taking a few precautionary measures, you can go about your daily life without fear of spreading your sinus infection to others.

How Can You Keep from Spreading a Sinus Infection?

Try incorporating these common sense practices to keep from spreading your sinus infection.

  • Wash your hands! This seems basic, but it always bears repeating. Handwashing really is the best way to prevent the spread of germs! Be sure to wash with soap and water before handling food, after using the restroom, and especially after blowing your nose or touching your face.
  • Cover your cough! Feeling a tickle in your throat? Turn away from those around you and cough into the crook of your elbow. This prevents germs from getting all over your hands while still stopping droplets from spreading.
  • Stay home when possible. Even though it takes pretty close contact to spread a sinus infection, staying home and getting rest can help you get back to your normal routine as soon as possible.
  • Get better faster. Try using home remedies like over-the-counter medications or a neti pot to help speed up your recovery. In fact, one study in children showed that nasal irrigation was almost as helpful as antibiotics in clearing up sinus infections!

What Increases the Risk of Getting a Sinus Infection?

Environmental and seasonal allergies can increase your risk of developing a sinus infection. Allergies don’t cause sinus infections, but they do increase their likelihood. Allergies cause inflammation, swelling and drainage, and all of these things increase the likelihood of a sinus obstruction.

When Should You See a Doctor About Your Sinus Infection?

Most sinus infections stay viral and resolve on their own. But if home remedies aren’t helping, if your drainage turns yellow or green, or if your sinus infection sticks around for more than a week or 10 days, it might be time to give your ENT doctor a call.

Still have more questions about whether your sinus infection is contagious? Not sure if you’re dealing with a viral or bacterial infection? Contact ENT Associates of Lubbock today, and we can help you figure out your next steps!

Does A Balloon Sinuplasty Hurt? What You Need to Know

Sinus problems leave you feeling miserable.

Chronic sinus issues like infections, pain, pressure, and headaches seem inescapable with any type of allergy or irritation.

But why do some people seem to experience these symptoms regularly while others only rarely struggle with sinus problems?

Yes, people who are prone to sinus issues may have more sensitivity to allergens and viruses — but they also likely have smaller openings in the sinuses which makes even a small irritation feel much worse. And if this explains why your sinuses are always flaring up, a balloon sinuplasty may be just what you need.

Unless it hurts.

In which case, you’re not so sure.

Take a deep breath… if you’re not too congested. Balloon sinuplasty is not a painful procedure. To put your mind at ease, we’ve explained what most patients experience — and why the procedure works to start with!

Why Balloon Sinuplasty?

The sinuses are air-filled pockets within the skull. These pockets need a way to aerate. They do this through small crevices into the nose itself. Patients with chronic sinus problems like infections, pain, pressure, headaches typically have narrowed openings between the sinuses and the nose.

Because these crevices are narrow, they’re more easily occluded with any type of allergy or irritation. In order to find relief, they need wider entrances into the sinus cavity. The balloon enlarges these small openings.

How Balloon Sinuplasty Works

This procedure is extremely low-pain because we start by numbing the nose entirely. Once the nose is completely numb, we pass a balloon through the “ostia” (the openings into the sinuses).

We dilate the balloon for about 10 seconds, deflate it, and remove it. During this short period of inflation, the balloon widens the bony entrance from the nose into the sinus cavity.

Each person has six of these openings. We can open all — or whichever the patient needs.

When we dilate the balloon, we actually move these small bones permanently. But it’s not as dramatic as it sounds. The bones in your nose aren’t what we typically associate with solid bone. Instead, these are paper-thin bones (think fingernails) that move easily.

does balloon sinuplasty hurt

Does Balloon Sinuplasty Hurt?

This is a low to no pain procedure for patients. We take about 20-30 minutes to fully numb the patient before we begin. We start with all-topical numbing agents — using both decongestants and anesthetics to thoroughly numb the nose. We then inject a numbing agent into the nose. But by that point, patients don’t feel it.

When we insert the balloon and dilate it, some patients describe the feeling as a slight pressure. Some people feel a release of pressure because the sinuses finally open. Other patients don’t feel anything — they don’t even flinch.

If you feel pressure, the location depends on which sinus we’re dilating. When we dilate the frontal sinus, you may feel pressure near the eye. When we dilate the maxillary/cheek sinus, you’ll feel pressure in the upper teeth. When we dilate the sphenoid sinus, sometimes you feel pressure in the back of the head to varying degrees.

Whatever the feeling, it only lasts for about 10 seconds per sinus.

For some, this compares to a dental procedure — you’re awake, numb, and maybe a little uncomfortable occasionally, but with the right medication, you don’t feel pain.

For most people, their only complaint is they didn’t do it sooner.

Is Balloon Sinuplasty Right For You?

The symptoms we commonly treat with this procedure include:

  • Nasal obstruction
  • Frontal or forehead pain
  • Cheek pressure/pain
  • Headaches
  • Recurrent sinus infections

We always begin treating these symptoms with medical therapy. If medications are ineffective, we take a CT scan and confirm the patient is a good candidate before we opt for a balloon sinuplasty. If a patient qualifies for balloon sinuplasty, the procedure is almost always covered by insurance.

Related: What Does a Balloon Sinuplasty Cost With & Without Insurance?

Is Balloon Sinuplasty Proven Safe?

While the concept of using a balloon for medical treatment can seem novel to some, it’s nothing new in the medical world. The balloon for sinuplasty has been around for about a decade, but cardiologists have been using a similar balloon for artery dilation for much longer.

There are several types of balloons available, but we use the type we feel is safest for patients. It’s been tested tens of thousands of times with almost zero complications. In fact, the type of balloon we use is so good, other companies blatantly copyright infringe and pay a royalty for every product they sell. It’s the best.

Both the balloon and the guidewire we use to insert it are extremely gentle. In fact, the guidewire won’t even break an egg yolk. It’s an extremely safe procedure for the patient.

If you’re struggling with chronic sinus problems and think a balloon sinuplasty might be right for you, don’t let the fear of pain stop you. Overall, it’s a highly effective, minimal pain, and low-risk procedure.

Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation: Everything You Need to Know

For such a small part of the body, the ear has a huge impact on how we feel and how we perceive the world. If we zoom in even further, we see that the ear has much smaller components that equally affect our quality of life.

The Eustachian tube, a tube that connects the ear to the nose, is one of the vital small pieces that helps the ear function as it should. In fact, nearly 100% of problems inside the ear come from Eustachian tube dysfunction. If it’s stopped up, both our hearing and general comfort decline drastically.

While we’ve known this tube existed for hundreds of years, only recently have we found an effective way to treat its issues. With Eustachian tube balloon dilation, we can now resolve ear tube dysfunction with a safe, non-surgical procedure.

Here’s everything you need to know:

What are Eustachian Tubes?

Eustachian tubes, which connect the ear to the nose, allow the ear to ventilate and regulate pressure.

The ear has an air-filled cavity called the middle ear space. The only way this cavity can be aerated is through the back of the nose, via the Eustachian tube. This cavity always produces a small amount of fluid naturally. The fluid drains from the ear into the nose through the Eustachian tube.

These tubes are also how our bodies regulate pressure changes. When the ambient pressure in the environment changes (think flying high or diving deep), you have to equalize the pressure. The body does that through the Eustachian tubes.

How Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation Works

Eustachian tube balloon dilation is the only procedure that exists to repair Eustachian tube dysfunction.

Until now, we didn’t have a great way to address Eustachian tube problems. Even 400-500 years ago, we have documented research of doctors trying to figure out how to make this tube work better. But until recently, there were few effective solutions. Our only option was inserting an ear tube through the eardrum to replace the function of the Eustachian tube temporarily by allowing the ear to directly aerate through the ear canal.

Eustachian tube balloon dilation now offers a way to address the problem at the source — the back of the nose. In this short procedure, we insert a balloon to dilate and enlarge this tube.

We start by thoroughly numbing the back of the nose where the Eustachian tube empties. We then insert the balloon up the tube and inflate it inside the tube. Once we inflate the balloon to the right pressure, we leave it inflated for two minutes. We then deflate the balloon and remove it.

During these few minutes, the balloon opens the Eustachian tube and brings significant improvement to function. The Eustachian tube is made from a combination of bone and cartilage. We inflate the portion that’s cartilage. While the effects are not permanent, research continues to show consistent improvement in tube functioning for one year or more.

Is Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation Right for You?

Before we recommend this procedure to our patients, we rely on objective data to determine if it’s necessary.

Patients should consider Eustachian tube dilation if they:

  • Previously needed one (or multiple) sets of ear tubes.
  • Retain fluid in the ear that doesn’t go away and/or leads to multiple ear infections

Patients with fluid in the ear likely experience symptoms of aural fullness, pressure sensation, muffled hearing, hearing in a barrel, and occasional ear pain.

We rely on exam findings that indicate the need for improved fluid drainage to determine eligibility for ear balloon dilation, not on reported symptoms alone. For example, if a patient complains of ear pressure but has no history of fluid in the ear or ear tubes, we don’t opt for this procedure.

Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation Risks

Eustachian tube balloon dilation risks are minimal — as is pain. It’s typically very well-tolerated in patients.

If you need tube balloon dilation, but elect not to have the procedure, symptoms of fullness, pressure, and muffled hearing will continue until you receive treatment, likely with an ear tube.

Not only are Eustachian tube balloon dilation risks minimal for health, but the success rate is also extremely high. Research shows up to 93% of patients report improvements in their symptoms.

Finally, we have the means to address the problem doctors have been working to solve since they first discovered this tube exists. And, we can fix it with relatively high success.

If you think Eustachian tube balloon dilation might be right for you, give us a call and we’ll evaluate your eligibility for this procedure. This may be just what you need to solve your symptoms and provide the relief you’ve been looking for — all without surgery or risk.

Swimmer’s Ear: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Summer is here! While most people (especially kids) take this as an open invitation for regular pool time, some dread the inevitable swimmer’s ear that will soon follow all that time in the water.

As you prepare for your days on the lake, in the pool, or at the beach, here’s what you need to know about swimmer’s ear treatment… and prevention!

What is Swimmer’s Ear?

Swimmer’s ear, also called otitis externa, describes inflammation of the external ear. While ear infections (otitis media) take place in the middle ear, a swimmer’s ear infection affects the skin of the auditory canal and the skin on the ear itself… basically any skin outside of the eardrum.

As the name indicates, swimmer’s ear is common in swimmers. But the reason for the infection is less clear.

In the past, swimmer’s ear likely occurred because people used to swim in dirty water. Essentially, they were swimming in bacteria, which would enter the ear and cause an infection. Since the eardrum forms a barrier to the middle ear space, the bacteria didn’t move to a middle ear infection, but the external ear reacted.

Now, the problem may come from a nearly opposite reason in swimmers — the ear is too clean. Ear wax controls the pH balance of the ear canal and prevents bacteria from growing. But if the ear is completely clean and washed out from regularly swimming, the pH or biome of the ear canal may be altered, allowing for the growth of bacteria. Essentially, an ear that’s too clean might create an environment for opportunistic bacteria infections.

How To Know If You Have Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear is extremely painful. This infection also turns the ear red and causes swelling. The ear canal may even swell to the point where it’s difficult to see into the ear. In most cases, a red painful ear, especially after time in the water, indicates swimmer’s ear.

Some people also experience drainage that oozes from the inflammation in the ear. Because of the drainage, hearing can be muffled, making it sound like you’re wearing an earplug.

swimmers ear treatment

Swimmer’s Ear Treatment

Swimmer’s ear is relatively easy to treat. Because it’s a skin condition and we have access to the skin that’s affected, we can treat it with drops. When you apply the right combination of antibiotic or steroid drops to the skin, the infection usually improves quickly.

In some severe cases, oral antibiotics and/or steroids are also necessary to completely eliminate the infection.

If the canal is so swollen the drops can’t enter the ear, we can insert a wick — a small, elongated piece of foam. You then apply the drops to the end that’s sticking out. The wick dissipates the drops through the canal to the areas that cannot otherwise be reached.

How to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear isn’t typically recurring. While some people experience it repeatedly, it’s not linked to inherent risk. Instead, repeated cases of swimmer’s ear happen because you are repeatedly exposed to the same conditions that allow bacteria to enter the ear.

If you repeatedly experience swimmer’s ear, consider these options for prevention:

1. Wear a swimmer’s earplug.

Choose a water-resistant plug — not just a foam plug for sound.

2. Wear an ear mold.

Instead of an earplug, you can wear a form-fitted silicone mold. This mold, custom-made by your doctor, can be inserted into the ear to prevent water from entering the ear. For most people, ear molds are more comfortable than earplugs.

3. Use swimmer’s ear drops.

This alcohol-based solution dries out the ear canal. Ear drops can be effective, especially after swimming in a lake.

However, don’t overdo it. Over-drying the ear isn’t healthy. Only use drops after swimming — not as a preventative measure.

If you have ear tubes, avoid ear drops or any alcohol in the ear. The alcohol will travel through the tube and cause extreme discomfort.

4. Don’t irrigate the ear or clean it too much.

Avoid cleaning the ear with cotton swabs. Also, do not turn your ears to irrigate them during a shower or apply alcohol as a preventative measure.

As a rule, the dryer the ear, the better.

Don’t let fear of swimmer’s ear keep you out of the water. With the right prevention and treatment plan, you should be set for a great time in the water that won’t leave you paying the price for days to come.

When to Worry (And Not Worry) About Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds seem to come at the worst times. No one wants to bleed — especially in public. And when a nosebleed strikes, it can be frustrating to manage. Maybe your nice dinner is abruptly interrupted with a nosebleed. You can’t get it to stop — and now there’s blood everywhere. If you’re lucky enough to make it to a bathroom, it still creates a mess.

Even a short or light nose bleed is frustrating. It ruins clothes, stains sheets, and always requires clean-up.

Nosebleeds are often harmless, but if they happen frequently, you may need to see a doctor. When is it time to worry about nosebleeds — and when is it just an inconvenience?

Here’s how to tell:

What Happens During A Nosebleed

Epistaxis, the medical term for nosebleeds, most often begins from the tissue in the anterior (front) of the nose. Usually, the bleeding comes from the center wall of the nose called the septum.

Multiple arteries intersect at a specific point on the septum called the Kiesselbach’s Plexus. This creates a high concentration of blood supply in one small area. If this area dries out, causing the skin to become chapped and cracked, it can bleed profusely.

Most of us have experienced something similar on our lips. If they’re too dry, our lips crack and bleed. But in this part of the nose, there’s a much higher blood supply, making it bleed much more heavily.

Typically, it happens like this: The skin dries out. The patient rubs, picks, or blows their nose and then, GUSH, nosebleed.

Related: Chronic Runny Nose: At What Point Should You Worry?

In very rare cases, nosebleeds are posterior. This type of nosebleed comes from the large artery in the back of the nose. These will not stop with at-home management techniques (described below). Posterior nosebleeds only stop when a medical professional inserts packing. In some cases, we opt for surgery to cauterize the vessel or we use embolization — where we block the blood vessels from the inside to stop bleeding.

What Causes Nosebleeds

While the reason for a nosebleed is simple (fragile skin was irritated and bled), certain factors definitely increase the likelihood of a nosebleed. In fact, when a nosebleed occurs, you can typically blame one of these five factors:


A dry climate wreaks havoc on the skin. Out in west Texas, we’re no strangers to nosebleeds caused by the climate. Dry air in general, however, can irritate the nose. Even turning the heat on in the winter can make the problem worse.

Digital Manipulation

Picking the nose obviously triggers nosebleeds, but even blowing or wiping the nose due to allergies or a cold can irate the area and initiate a nosebleed.

Nasal Steroid Sprays (and other allergy medications)

Flonase and other steroid sprays list nosebleeds as a potential side effect because these medications dry out the nose. To a milder extent, oral antihistamines (like Claritin, Zyrtec, or Allegra) can also contribute to nosebleeds.

Related: When to Worry About Your Lingering Sinus Infection

Blood Thinners

Patients taking blood thinners can’t readily form a clot in their blood. This means the nosebleed won’t stop quickly.


An injury to the nose, particularly in this area of blood vessels, can easily trigger a nosebleed.

when to worry about nosebleeds

How To Stop a Nosebleed

If your nose begins to bleed, don’t panic. It’s a common occurrence that’s typically solved through a reliable sequence of steps. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Do NOT lean your head back.

Despite what you’ve heard, don’t tilt the head backward. You’ll swallow the blood as it drains back, which can make you throw up.

2. Lean your head forward.

Crane the neck forward as if you’re about to sniff.

3. Pinch the nose.

Using your fingers, pinch the soft part of the nose, squeezing the nostrils together. Most often, that’s where the bleeding is coming from. Use enough pressure to barely turn your fingernails white.

4. Hold the nose (constantly) for five minutes.

Don’t release the pressure. Watch the clock. It can feel like a long time but resist the urge to stop and check before your five minutes is up.

5. If it’s still bleeding, use decongestant spray.

Use Afrin or over-the-counter decongestant spray if the nose is still bleeding after five minutes of consistent pressure. Spray the decongestant directly in the nose, or soak a cotton ball with the medicine and insert the cotton ball into the nose.

Do not use Afrin preventatively. Only use it during an actual nosebleed.

6. Pinch the nose again.

Hold pressure for another five minutes.

You can repeat this 1-2 times if necessary.

In most cases, the nose stops bleeding by this point. However, if it’s still bleeding after several rounds of this process, it’s time to visit the emergency room.

What Won’t Stop a Nosebleed

When you’re dealing with nosebleeds, people try all sorts of quick treatments. But several are completely ineffective.

As you treat your nosebleed, avoid these common mistakes:

  • Pressure on the nasal bones
  • Ice pack on the neck (but an ice pack on the face could help!)
  • Leaning your head back

How to Prevent Nosebleeds in the Future

Ideally, people would choose to prevent nosebleeds from occurring altogether. While there’s no sure fix, these simple habits can help you prevent nosebleeds from occurring.

  1. Run a humidifier every night. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold or hot — you just need more moisture in the air. Hydration is key.
  2. Use saline spray 2-3 times per day. You can even use a saline gel spray if it’s more convenient.
  3. Trim your fingernails. Sharp nails irritate the skin if they touch this sensitive area.
  4. Resist picking, scratching, or rubbing your nose.
  5. Do not pick scabs. If you have a scab in the nose, apply saline until it naturally comes off. (We’ve actually seen patients pick holes through their septum!)
  6. Keep blood pressure under control.
  7. Avoid too much aspirin/ibuprofen. These mild blood thinners make it much more difficult for the blood to clot.

When To Worry About Nosebleeds

It’s difficult to distinguish between the inconvenience of a nosebleed — and an actual medical issue. And there’s no perfect answer to knowing it’s time to visit a medical professional to treat your nosebleed.

However, if nosebleeds progress to a point where they regularly disrupt your life, see your doctor. They’ll talk you through the options for treatment and prevention to get your nosebleeds under control.

Adult Tonsillectomy: What To Expect & How to Prepare

Didn’t a tonsillectomy sound kind of fun when you were a kid? How great would it be to eat ice cream for a week and not go to school! But now that you’re grown, you’re not sure what to expect or how significant an adult tonsillectomy really is.

What are the tonsils anyway, and how might removing them make a difference? If you’re considering a tonsillectomy, here’s what you need to know:

What’s the Purpose of Tonsils?

The tonsils are lymph nodes exposed to the environment. Our skin protects us from the external environment, but your nose and mouth are conduits through which bacteria and viruses get inside the body. To keep germs out, the body has a ring of lymphoid tissue called the Waldeyer’s Ring.

The adenoids, palatine tonsils, and lingual tonsils form this ring of immune system tissue to protect the body from viruses and bacteria. Essentially, it attempts to fight off infections before they make it fully inside.

There are two main reasons we remove tonsils:

1. Chronic tonsillitis: General guidelines suggest seven infections in one year, five infections per year for two years in a row, or three infections per year for three years qualifies a patient as “chronic.” Keep in mind, these are guidelines, not the rule for every patient or insurance company. Symptoms such as halitosis (bad breath), tonsil stones, chronic sore throat, and puss or abscesses on the tonsils point to a chronic issue and the possible need to remove the tonsils.

2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The other primary reason we remove tonsils is to treat obstructive sleep apnea. Indicated by excessive snoring and blockage of the throat during sleep, sleep apnea isn’t a condition we ignore. If a patient is experiencing obstructive sleep apnea, we may opt for an adult tonsillectomy or one of these alternative treatments.

Occasionally, we remove tonsils due to a concern of cancer, but that’s in a minority of cases.

Adult Tonsillectomy FAQs

If you and your doctor decide to proceed with a tonsillectomy, you’ll likely have several questions surrounding the procedure. We’ve answered our patients’ most frequent questions below so you know what to expect.

Before Your Tonsillectomy

Do insurance companies cover a tonsillectomy?

Yes. In fact, it’s so common most companies don’t even need to pre-authorize it. If we recommend an adult tonsillectomy, insurance companies usually comply. Sure, there are a few companies that push back, but these procedures are generally easily approved.

What’s the recommended pre-surgery diet?

The diet before surgery isn’t restrictive. But as with any surgery, don’t eat or drink after midnight on the day before.

How long do people take off work?

Recovery from an adult tonsillectomy is more involved than with children. Plan on taking two weeks off work to allow for a full recovery. This allows the tonsils to heal and helps avoid potential complications.

During The Operation

What do patients experience during the operation?

When patients arrive at the surgery center, they’ll get an IV before going back to the operating room. Once in the OR, we use a mask and an IV to administer anesthesia. When the patient is asleep, we operate through the mouth. We put a retractor in the mouth to hold it open, taking the tonsils out by removing them from the surrounding muscle.

We also double-check the adenoids to make sure they’re no longer there. Adenoids usually shrink and disappear entirely by the age of 12, so it’s rare that adults need these removed as well. However, if any tissue remains, we remove it.

When we’re done, we remove the retractor and wake the patient.

How long does a surgery typically take?

The surgery itself takes only about 20 minutes. Once we account for the time it takes a patient to go to sleep and wake up, plan on 40 minutes for the entire procedure.

Should a friend/family member accompany me?

Due to COVID precautions, we don’t allow visitors at this time for adults. While we typically prefer for our patients to have someone with them, we’re taking these extra measures to keep everyone as safe as possible. However, you still need to arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery center.

After Your Tonsillectomy

What is the post-op diet?

Patients often lose anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds after surgery because it’s painful to swallow. When you eat, opt for a soft diet: yogurt, mac and cheese, pudding, and scrambled eggs. Cold foods that melt and coat the throat are also great options — popsicles, shakes, smoothies, and slushies.

Hydration is the most important part of your recovery. It decreases the risk of bleeding and can decrease overall pain. Any fluid is good fluid — just avoid red liquids so you don’t confuse it with blood if vomiting occurs.

We also advise patients to avoid drinking through a straw, especially thick liquids like milkshakes. Theoretically, the suction could pull a scab from the throat and we want to avoid bleeding as much as possible.

Continue this soft diet with plenty of liquids for at least two weeks.

How active can patients be during recovery?

Keep activity to a minimum during your recovery. To decrease the risk of bleeding, avoid all strenuous activity, heavy lifting, or anything that raises your heart rate or blood pressure for at least two weeks. During the first week, you probably won’t feel like it, anyway.

What are signs of post-op complications?

Bleeding is the main complication that comes from this procedure and the reason we strongly recommend hydration and a soft diet. A week after surgery, the scabs begin to fall off the throat. If a scab comes off prematurely, there may be some bleeding. If it doesn’t stop on its own, we may have to go back to surgery to stop the bleeding.

Other side effects include potential constipation (from pain medication), dehydration, and fever caused by dehydration. As long as you drink plenty, you minimize your chance of these complications.

What pain relief is prescribed or recommended?

We recommend liquid pain medication around the clock. Patients should take the prescribed combination of hydrocodone and Tylenol every 4 hours for the first 2-3 days, even waking up so they don’t miss a dose. Staying ahead of the pain is much easier than trying to chase it after it starts. If patients need additional pain management, they can also take Ibuprofen between doses of prescription pain medication. With this combination, we can typically successfully manage pain.

Have any other questions? Give us a call and we’ll take steps to see if an adult tonsillectomy is the right treatment for you.

The Top 3 Reasons You May Need to Remove Your Tonsils

Most people don’t mind having a little extra protection — especially when it comes to their health. We wear a jacket when the temperature drops and the wind picks up. We apply sunscreen for our time outside. We take supplements or vitamins to boost our immune systems. We get vaccines to prepare our bodies for potential threats.

Typically tonsils act as another form of protection. This lymphoid tissue in the back of the nose and throat works to fight off infections that enter the nose and mouth before they get to the rest of the body. They stop viruses and bacteria before they make it fully inside.

But sometimes, tonsils start causing more problems than they prevent. In these cases, there may be a reason to remove tonsils depending on the exact problem and the tonsils it’s affecting.

Types of Tonsils

There are actually three different types of tonsils.

The Palatine tonsils at the side of the throat are the tonsils that we typically remove during a tonsillectomy. When people casually refer to a tonsillectomy, these tonsils in the throat are what they’re referencing.

The adenoids, or tonsilla pharyngealis, are the tonsils at the back of the nose. These are most commonly removed in children and tend to shrink with age, but adults occasionally need these removed as well.

Lingual tonsils (tonsilla lingualis) located on the back of the tongue, are almost never removed. Only rare occasions such as recurring infections after a tonsillectomy or specific types of sleep apnea result in the removal of these tonsils.

Depending on the issue the patient is experiencing, we assess if removing one of these types of tonsils will solve their problem.

What Are the Reasons to Remove Tonsils?

While the tonsils are supposed to improve our health, for some, the tonsils are the source of their problems, particularly when they become enlarged. If you’re experiencing one of these symptoms, a tonsillectomy may be your solution.

1. If swollen tonsils cause blockage to your airway

Swollen tonsils may be the explanation for why you’re not sleeping well at night. Perhaps you’ve wondered why you (or your spouse or child) snore loud enough to rattle the walls, or you often wake up in a gasp. These are signs of sleep apnea, a condition when breathing abruptly starts and stops during sleep. While swollen tonsils aren’t always the cause of sleep apnea, it is the most common cause in children and a potential cause of sleep apnea in adults.

Sleep apnea is a serious health concern that needs to be addressed. For some, a tonsillectomy proves to be the solution.

2. If you experience recurrent tonsillitis

No, a sore throat by itself is no reason to remove tonsils, but when tonsillitis occurs repeatedly over the course of a few years, your doctor may recommend a tonsillectomy. Most ENTs agree that seven infections in one year, five infections for two consecutive years, or three infections per year for three years indicates a patient is experiencing chronic tonsillitis.

Patients with tonsillitis may notice symptoms such as extreme bad breath, tonsil stones, chronic sore throats, and drainage from the tonsils. If you’re experiencing these symptoms regularly, a tonsillectomy may be the solution your ENT recommends. (Related: The Parent’s Guide to a Quick & Smooth Tonsillectomy in Children)

3. Tumors or growths on the tonsils

Anytime we notice an abnormal growth in the body, removal is a consideration. When an asymmetrical growth or a concern of malignancy appears on the tonsils, an adult tonsillectomy is a viable treatment option. Keep in mind, this is a rare occurrence and not a frequent reason to remove tonsils.

Is Medication an Alternative to Surgery?

If your doctor recommends a tonsillectomy, there’s not typically a medication alternative. As ENTs, we always try medical treatment before we opt for surgery. If the infection continues to return, the patients would need to continually take antibiotics. While antibiotics will fight the infection, the repeated use of these medications wears out your body and gut.

When we get to the point of talking about the option of a tonsillectomy, we’re beyond the point of a one-off infection that we can quickly remedy with medication. At this point, if you choose to keep your tonsils, you’re opting for long-term antibiotic use, which can be difficult to handle.

Are There Any Potential Complications?

Bleeding is the most common complication that follows a tonsillectomy. As the throat heals, it forms scabs in the area where the tonsils were removed. If patients become dehydrated or eat foods that irritate the throat, these scabs can come off prematurely and bleed. In some cases, this leads to an additional procedure.

Other complications following a tonsillectomy are extremely rare.

What Is the Recovery Process After the Procedure?

Most people recover in about two weeks following their procedure. For others, it may take more time to fully heal. Plan on about two weeks away from work with a restricted diet and limited activity. However, once you heal, you’re not just back to normal — you’re much better than you were.

How to Know if an Adult Ear Tube Placement Can Help You

When we think about someone getting tubes in their ears, we typically picture a toddler who can’t shake their constant ear infections. But needing tubes in the ears happens for adults, too. While it’s less frequent than child procedures, adults sometimes need ear tube placement surgery, although for a slightly different reason.

Most kids need the surgery because of their anatomical development. The ear is connected to the back of the nose through the “Eustachian tube.” When a person is young, that tube is short and horizontal, which makes it more likely for the nose to drain into the ear. Cue the ear infections. Anytime there’s inflammation in the nose, the fluid drains back into the ear.

In adults, the station tube has developed to be longer and more vertical. This increased separation between the nose and ear makes it much less likely that the nose drainage will funnel towards the ear. This space also allows the ear to aerate more efficiently — which is why adults don’t get as many ear infections.

Still, for some adults, the eustachian tube doesn’t allow the ear to vent like it should, making ear tube placement a possible solution. If you’re considering pressure equalization tubes, ventilation tubes, ear grommets, or tympanostomy tubes (all names for ear tubes), here’s the basic info you’ll want to know first:

What Are Tubes and Why Might I Need Them?

In some adults, eustachian tube dysfunction doesn’t allow the ear to operate correctly. For some patients, allergies or infection causes blockage in the nose due to inflammation. In other patients, the tube developed to be too narrow. Whatever the reason, the ear isn’t working as it should.

Ear tube placement allows the ear another way to equalize pressure. The tube, which looks like a small grommet, is made of soft rubber in order to be minimally traumatic to the eardrum. Once inserted, it vents the ear, acting as a pressure valve to compensate for the lack of function from the eustachian tube. It works to drain fluid, relieve negative pressure, and sometimes alleviate a feeling of fullness in the ear as well.

What Is an Ear Tube Placement Procedure?

In adults, ear tube placement is more of a small procedure than a surgery. Using a microscope, we start this simple in-office procedure by placing a drop of a numbing agent on the eardrum itself. The inside of the ear goes completely numb within 10 seconds. Then, we make a small incision in the eardrum and place the tube within the incision. The tube keeps the eardrum from closing, allowing it to vent over time.

There’s no need for the procedure to take place under general anesthesia in an outpatient surgery center for adults. The only reason we opt for a different setting for kids is to keep them from making sudden movements while we attempt to place the tube, which may cause damage to the ear. Overall, it’s very simple and well-tolerated procedure in the office.

Are Ear Tubes Permanent?

Ear tubes are not permanent, but there are different types of tubes we can use depending on the duration we want them to remain in the ear. We usually start with tubes designed to stay in the ear 3-6 months before the eardrum pushes them out naturally. Typically, these tubes last longer in kids.

For some patients, one tube placement is enough to solve the issue. For others, we may opt for repeat ear tube placement. If a patient needs another placement, we’ll consider longer-lasting options, including special tubes designed to last for several years.

What If The Tube Comes Out Too Soon?

Once we place the tube in the ear, we don’t have any direct control over its exact placement or how long your body allows it to remain in the ear. In some cases, it may come out too soon. For other patients, it may stay in too long. When the tube doesn’t naturally come out after several years, we may consider pulling it out. Although rare, these situations can result in a small or large hole in the eardrum that may need to be repaired.

The most common complication, however, is that the tube clogs. A little dried blood or mucus may not allow the tube to drain properly, but it’s easily fixable in the clinic.

What to Expect on the Day of the Procedure?

This is a quick, five-minute procedure. There’s no preparation necessary for the patient. Depending on the patients’ needs, we can place these in one or both ears.

There’s no recovery period involved either. Patients can get back to normal immediately following the procedure.

When Should You Consult an ENT?

If you’re getting recurrent ear infections, fluid in the ears, or extreme ear pain and pressure, come see us to find out if ear tubes might be a solution to your problem.

Related: What Does An ENT Do At Your First Appointment?

What Does An ENT Do At Your First Appointment?

We all know an ENT deals with the ears, nose, and throat — but what do they actually do about the problems we’re experiencing? When you’re referred to a specialist, it can be a struggle to set the right expectations. What does an ENT do at your first appointment anyway? Are they going to diagnose your issue, prescribe medication, recommend surgery, or refer you to someone else?

For many, it eases their minds to know just how much an ENT can take care of. We not only see the patient, diagnose their problem, and treat it medically, we also perform surgery. The subtitle under “ENT” is “head and neck surgery” so if a patient needs surgery, we don’t have to refer them to another doctor. We can take care of it ourselves.

If you’re getting ready for your first appointment, be assured, as long as a problem is within our scope of practice, we can typically take care of patients from start to finish.

What Does an ENT Do at the First Appointment?

Your first appointment with an ENT will be tailored to your problem, but there are a few universal expectations you can have when you visit ENT Associates of Lubbock.

When you first arrive, our front desk assistants will obtain your demographic and insurance information. A medical assistant will then enter pertinent medical history (prescriptions, surgeries, previous imaging, etc.) into your chart. They will bring you back to an exam room and obtain patient vitals such as blood pressure, pulse and temperature.

Next, expect to see a physician. We don’t have a PA or nurse practitioner, so you know you’ll see your doctor. We start the first visit by talking through your history of present illness, so we understand the story of what’s been happening in your body.

what does ENT do first appointment

We then conduct a physical exam, looking very closely at the ears, nose, and throat using specialized tools. For issues with the ears, we examine them under a microscope, even cleaning them under the microscope if necessary. This is a safer and more effective way than they can be cleaned elsewhere. If there’s a problem with the nose or throat, we use cameras and scopes to diagnose the problem quickly and move closer to fixing the issue. If you have sinus problems, we have an in-house CT scanner to quickly obtain imaging of the sinuses. We also have an Audiologist on staff so we can immediately conduct extensive ear testing, including assessing eardrum mobility and pressure if necessary.

These resources help us thoroughly examine whatever area needs further investigation based on the issue of concern.

In some cases, we can immediately address the issue — even during the first appointment. If the patient is having nosebleeds, we can do a nasal cautery. If the patient has excess fluid in the ears, we may recommend immediately placing tubes in the ears. With the combination of our in-house diagnostic equipment and ability to do in-office procedures, we often can quickly get patients the treatment they need immediately.

How Do I Prepare for an ENT Appointment?

Prepping for your first ENT appointment is easy — just make sure you have your paperwork and questions ready.

Bring these items with you:

  • New Patient Paperwork: If you fill out this new patient paperwork ahead of time, it’ll make the process a little quicker on the day of your appointment. We send it ahead and it’s available online.
  • List of any medications and supplements you take
  • Insurance Card
  • Questions: If you think you might forget details during your appointment, write down your questions, thoughts, and symptoms to help guide your discussion.

What Happens During the Visit?

The direction of your appointment depends on your complaints. For example, if the complaint is regarding the ear, we’ll do ear tests including an audiogram and a tympanogram (eardrum mobility/pressure). If you are complaining of sinus pain, we might use a nasal scope to visual the area. We tailor each appointment to the specific issue the patient is experiencing.

What Are the Next Steps After the First Visit?

In the first visit, our goal is to get a diagnosis and initiate treatment. We try to treat issues medically first. If a patient has an infection, we prescribe an antibiotic. If they have allergies, we try to control those with topical sprays or oral medication.

Then, we follow up at a later appointment. For unresolved sinus issues, we may take a CT scan to get a better idea of what’s happening under the surface. We offer this option in the office to make it as convenient as possible. If we see medication isn’t sufficient, we’ll explore surgical options depending on the issue.


Can I eat before an ENT appointment?

Yes, eat anything you want. There’s no bloodwork involved in your ENT visit.

Well, actually, maybe avoid garlic and onions… 🙂

Does an ENT evaluate vertigo?

Yes, if a patient thinks they have vertigo, we’ll check the symptoms and see if we can figure out what’s going on. Our first goal is to understand if it’s in the ear or not. Often vertigo is dizziness that doesn’t come from the ear, so it’s not always an issue we can address. If it’s not the ear, we can refer you to another specialist.

Can you see an ENT without a referral?

This depends on your insurance. Check your policy — and if you’re in doubt, just give us a call and we’ll give you your best options.

When is a nasal endoscopy necessary?

If we suspect a nasal pathology is causing symptoms and we can’t see it with just our eyes, we can do an anterior rhinoscopy. If that’s not complete enough or we’re still suspicious of something, we can do a nasal endoscopy that will allow us to see further back into the nose and identify the issue.

How painful is a nasal endoscopy?

Our procedure isn’t painful. We use numbing spray so patients only feel a little pressure but no pain.

If you’re experiencing an issue occurring from a problem in the ear, nose, or throat, you may find comfort in knowing that an ENT is often a one-stop-shop for addressing these issues – whether you need medication, an allergy diagnosis, or surgery to solve the problem. In your first appointment, we’ll take the first step to find out what solution may work best for you.


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