ent services
Healthy Ears. Healthier You.
Audiology Services
An Audiogram (hearing test) or Tympanogram (ear drum test) may be performed at your appointment to monitor or identify hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), infection or fluid behind the tympanic membrane. Hearing loss is the inability to hear certain frequencies/pitches, completely or partially in one or both ears. There are different types and causes of hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss is a nerve hearing loss, which is usually caused by noise exposure, viral infection or trauma to the ear or head, and is usually permanent. A conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem conducting sound waves within the ear. This type of hearing loss is often caused by infection or fluid in the middle ear with hearing returning to normal levels following treatment. We see this especially in young children before and after undergoing ear tube surgery.

Cerumen and/or Foreign Body Removal
Blockage of the ear canal from excessive wax build up or a foreign body can cause ear fullness, hearing loss and otitis externa. Our physicians use a microscope to visualize the ear canal and clean out debris.
Ear Infections
There are typically three types of ear infections:
otitis externa, otitis media and labyrinthitis.
1. Otitis externa, or outer ear infection, are infections and/or inflammation of the outer ear, which is the ear canal to the tympanic membrane.
2. Otitis media, or middle ear infection, are infections, fluid and/or inflammation of the middle ear space behind the tympanic membrane, and can include the mastoid region.
3. Labyrinthitis, irritation or inflammation of the inner ear, exhibits a wide range of symptoms including sudden onset of dizziness and vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, and tinnitus.
Evaluation of these conditions includes visual inspection with otoscopy, tympanogram and a possible hearing test. Additional testing may be recommended by Dr. Scolaro depending on the severity of the condition.
Myringotomy & Tympanostomy Tube Placement
Tympanostomy tube placement is recommended to treat persistent fluid in the middle ear and/or frequent ear infections. Tube placement may also be recommended as treatment for a thinning and retracted eardrum. A myringotomy and tympanostomy tube placement can usually be performed in the office on adults. Children, however, usually require general anesthesia administered in an outpatient surgery center setting for these procedures. See information sheet for more information.
Tympanoplasty is a reconstructive procedure performed to repair the tympanic membrane or ossicles and, in some cases, help restore hearing and prevent middle ear infections. See information sheet for more information.
Healthy Nose. Healthier You.
Fiberoptic Video Laryngoscope
During your evaluation, the doctor may utilize a fiberoptic video laryngoscope to obtain a better view of your nasal cavity and/or sinuses. Thanks to this advanced technology, you will be able to view your anatomy along with the doctor.

The sinuses are four paired cavities below the eyes (maxillaries), next to the side of the eyes (ethmoids), in the forehead (frontals), and at the very back of the nose (sphenoids). Sinusitis is inflammation and swelling of the lining membranes of the sinuses. This is commonly caused by bacterial or viral infections or blockage of the sinus openings by thickened mucosa called polyps. Symptoms of sinusitis include facial pain or pressure, nasal obstruction, discolored nasal drainage, loss of sense of smell, and headaches. The majority of patients with sinusitis can successfully be treated with antibiotics or other medications, treatment of allergies or environmental control. There are occasions when sinus infections are unresponsive to medical treatment and surgery is required.
Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are polypoidal masses arising mainly from the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses. They are overgrowths of the mucosa that frequently accompany allergic rhinitis. Symptoms of polyps include nasal blockage, sinusitis, loss of smell, and headache. Despite surgical removal, nasal polyps often reoccur and can require additional surgeries.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
The surgery involves removing inflamed infected mucosa that blocks these areas and prevents the sinuses from draining into the nose. Once the blockage is relieved, the diseased mucosa in the sinuses can heal and return to normal. See information sheet for additional information on Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
Deviated Nasal Septum
The nasal septum is a thin, usually flat structure made of cartilage and bone that separates the nose into its two sides. This structure can be deviated (crooked) and cause difficulty breathing through one or both sides of the nose. The cause of this deviation is often trauma to the nose, sometimes in childhood. Newborn babies often experience nasal trauma from the birth process, and this is a possible cause of septal deviation later in life. There are three turbinates on each side of the nose that function to warm and humidify inspired air. The inferior turbinate is closest to the floor of the nose and can enlarge and, like a septal deviation, cause difficulty breathing through the nose.
This is a surgery that straightens the septum and improves nasal breathing. See information sheet for additional information on Septoplasty.
Nasal Fracture
A nasal fracture, commonly referred to as a broken nose, is a fracture of the bone or cartilage of the nose. Nasal fractures are caused by physical trauma to the face which can include sports injuries, fighting, falls, and car accidents. Symptoms of a broken nose include bruising, swelling, tenderness, pain, deformity, and/or bleeding of the nose. The patient may have difficulty breathing, or nosebleeds. Minor fractures may heal on their own. More serious fractures may require surgical repair.
Epistaxis (NoseBleeds)
Epistaxis or a nosebleed is the relatively common occurrence of hemorrhage from the nose, usually noticed when the blood drains out through the nostril. There are two types: anterior (the most common), and posterior (less common, more likely to require medical attention). Treatment for these conditions can range from cauterizing the area or placing a balloon, which can be done in the office, to hospitalization for surgery or observation.
Other Nasal Conditions
– Allergies
– Rhinitis
– Hypertrophic Turbinates
Healthy Throat. Healthier You.
Chronic Tonsillitis/Strep Throat
Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils. This condition is common in children and adults when the tonsils become swollen, red and painful and may be coated with a yellow or white substance. Most cases of tonsillitis are caused by a virus, although it is sometimes the result of the streptococcal bacteria. Tonsillitis and Strep symptoms are similar to those of a common cold and may include: sore throat, fever, difficulty swallowing and swollen lymph nodes.

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Tonsils and adenoids are typically removed because of recurrent infections despite antibiotic therapy. Other common reasons for removal include difficulty breathing due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids and recurrent sinus infections. In addition, removal of the adenoids may be beneficial for some children with ear infections. In adults, the possibility of cancer or a tumor may be another reason for removing the tonsils and adenoids. See information sheet for additional information on Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy.
Thyroid Disease
Hyperthyroidism: an overactive thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone in the body. Causes of hyperthyroidism include Graves disease, nodules, goiters, thyroiditis
-Hypothyroidism: an underactive thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone to maintain normal body function. Causes of hypothyroidism include Hashimoto disease, thyroidectomy, thyroiditis, medications, too much/too little iodine, etc.
-Thyroid nodules: an abnormal growth of thyroid cells (cancerous or benign) within the thyroid
-Goiter: an enlarged thyroid which may result in a visible neck lump.
Partial or complete thyroidectomy removes the thyroid gland to treat overactive or underactive thyroid glands, nodules, and goiters. See information sheet for additional more information on Thyroidectomy.
Hyperparathyroidism, or overactivity of the parathyroid gland, involves an overproduction of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Although not a cancerous condition, hyperparathyroidism is often caused by a tumor on the parathyroid gland, known as an adenoma, which enlarges the specific gland and forces it to continuously secrete PTH. Most people with hyperparathyroidism have only one enlarged gland, but others can have all four affected by the condition. Common symptoms of hyperparathyroidism can include: increased thirst and urination, kidney stones, osteoporosis, weakness, fatigue and depression, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and constipation, impaired thinking and loss of memory, heartburn and high blood pressure.
Treatment for hyperparathyroidism depends on the symptoms and severity of the condition. Surgery is considered the most effective treatment for hyperparathyroidism and removes one or more parathyroid glands. See information sheet for additional information on Parathyroidectomy.
Vocal Cord Conditions
Vocal cord paralysis is a common disorder that involves a loss of movement in one or both of the vocal cords. When a vocal cord does not open or close properly, the airway is left open, which can allow food or liquids to slip through. This causes difficulty swallowing, coughing and increased breathing, hoarse/breathy or weak voice, and often occurs after neck or throat surgery. The cause of vocal cord paralysis is often not known, but some cases may be a result of: vocal cord injury, neck or chest injury, stroke, viral infection, tumor and inflammation. Vocal cord paralysis can be diagnosed through physical examination and a series of diagnostic tests such as a fiberoptic laryngoscope.
Another vocal cord condition is polyps. Polyps can take a number of forms and are usually benign, appearing as swelling, a bump or a nodule (additional evaluation may be required to determine if other types of throat lesions are cancerous). They are sometimes caused by vocal abuse. Polyps appear on either one or both of the vocal cords.
Vocal Cord Procedures
Treatment for vocal cord conditions depends on the cause, severity and length of the condition. Some patients recover from this condition with no treatment, while others may require voice therapy or surgery. Voice therapy works to strengthen the vocal cords and keep the airway protected, while surgery repositions the vocal cord to improve the voice and swallowing. Speech therapy may be recommended after surgery to help the patient get used to the changes. Please see the information sheet for Vocal Cord Surgery.
Fiberoptic Video Laryngoscope
During your evaluation, the doctor may utilize a fiberoptic video laryngoscope to obtain a better view of your throat and/or nasal cavity. Thanks to this advanced technology, you will be able to view your anatomy along with the doctor.
Other Throat Conditions
– Obstructive Sleep Apnea
– Swallowing Disorders
– Hoarseness
– Peritonsillar Abscess
– Laryngitis
– Pharyngitis
– Cervical Neck/Lymph Nodes
– Mouth/Tongue/Throat Lesions
– Parotid Tumor
kind words

Dr. Scolaro has always gone above and beyond for my kids. Amazing and caring doctor. His staff always has a smile and very helpful!
laura m.

Dr Scolaro is an excellent ENT. I came to him from Abilene after seeing 3 ENT’s and an allergist over 10 months with no success. He did surgery and all went well! I highly recommend him.
sandra c.

I had the balloon sinus surgery in late March this yr and I am soo happy I did! I had constant, never ending sinus issues for most of my life, awful headaches and constant meds. Not anymore!
nicki l.
Balloon Sinus Dilation
Balloon Sinus Dilation is a new surgical procedure for treatment of chronic sinusitis in patients who have not responded well to medications like antibiotics, allergy medications or steroid nasal sprays. Quick, safe and minimally invasive, Balloon Sinuplasty can be performed painlessly in our office, under local anesthesia. A small balloon is inserted into the nose using an endoscope and video camera. The balloon is then inflated to dilate and open the sinus pathways and allow for better ventilation and drainage from the sinus cavity. There is virtually no recovery period and most patients return to work in a day or two.
Hearing Aids
Did you know taking care of your hearing helps with your overall health? While hearing aids can improve hearing and speech comprehension for patients with many types of hearing loss, they have also been shown to improve the user’s social, psychological and physical sense of well-being. Untreated hearing loss can contribute to dementia, depression and accelerated cognitive decline. The selection and fitting of hearing aids is a very individualized process based upon your unique hearing loss, lifestyle, physical capabilities, and budget. Call our office to schedule your free hearing aid consultation and demonstration with our licensed Audiologists.